Example sentences of "[noun pl] from [noun pl] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Changes to UK pesticides legislation to enable the retrieval of unapproved pesticides from farms have been announced by David Maclean , Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food .
2 Initial reactions from schools have been favourable : both the content and quality of presentation have been well-received .
3 In other words , whilst the power to decide to serve an intervention notice without first hearing representations from persons affected was not in itself so unfair as to invalidate the notice , a lack of any means by which the person could immediately thereafter challenge the notice was in my opinion a breach of the requirements of fairness which the law should imply .
4 Public expenditure bargaining in Whitehall is conducted in terms of net spending by the departments — that is , spending after receipts from charges have been deducted .
5 Brazil 's own environmental agency , IBAMA , was unaware of the project until deforestation began , and enquiries from journalists have been met with silence .
6 Reports from users have been very encouraging and enquiry levels very good .
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