Example sentences of "[noun pl] from [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A new report by the US National Research Council , commissioned by the US Congress , has warned that children face disproportionate risks from pesticide residues in food .
2 You can get kooshies from department stores in single packs ( £5.95 ) , or packs of five .
3 Meanwhile Puffin is launching Ready , Steady , Read ! , a new series designed to move readers from picture books to ‘ chapter ’ books .
4 where Trevor Rowley has been able to explain the many routeways as a reflection of the straker routes of commoners herding animals from lowland settlements to upland pastures .
5 Smoke belches from factory complexes on the horizon .
6 Deadly serious , we assured him , relating tales of unfair dismissals from council jobs for breaking codes of conduct by saying ‘ Dear ’ or ‘ Lovey ’ .
7 Restriction enzyme digests , ligations , gel electrophoresis and elution of DNA fragments from agarose gels by direct extraction were performed using standard techniques [ 20 ] .
8 Every kind of holiday that there is — traditional beach holidays , action breaks , coach tours , boating trips , and more , plus attractions from mountain zoos to city museums , and a complete spectrum of quality accommodation from modern camping sites to luxury hotels .
9 Of greater sophistication are the diffusion or dispersion models which can predict pollution concentrations from emission inventories under varying meteorological conditions and take the topography of the area into account .
10 Oxford 's Radcliffe Infirmary has developed new technology that could save lives : it 's called image link and it allows images from hospital scanners to be transmitted down the telephone line to a consultant at the Infirmary .
11 RMC jumped 24 to 630p after some flattering words from broking analysts in the light of 1991 's results , announced on Tuesday .
12 " It at once sharpened the process of transforming League branches from research groups into active political units " , he wrote in the official League journal .
13 The anti-government mood in the streets of Bamako , the capital , and other main towns , which erupted into rioting in January [ see p. 37947 ] , persisted into February , amid continuing demands from opposition groups for multiparty democracy .
14 Channel kinetics were determined using pClamp software ( Axon Instruments ) and recordings from membrane patches in which only one channel was seen to be active .
15 The gloom was cut by long thin shafts of light falling between the columns from ventilation holes in the high ceiling .
16 The advantage of this method is that profits are normally taxed only once ; the drawback is that firms have some leeway to relocate profits , paying inflated prices for imports from group subsidiaries in low-tax countries .
17 Tens of thousands of visitors from school children to the Prime Minister attended the six-day environment , wildlife and conservation exhibition .
18 Many of these " specialists " were engaged in merchanting and warehousing an astonishing range of commodities from oil stoves through Newcastle glass ware and Wedgwood china to wines and ostrich feathers .
19 Visits from further afield have been directed more at studying the planning and layout of the new Map Library ; they included visits from map librarians from New York Public Library , the University of California , Los Angeles , and the National Diet Library , Japan .
20 And most countries should benefit from copying the few nations who have introduced legislation banning companies from manufacturing drinks-cans in two different metals — as this makes recycling harder .
21 Despite the present decline in the design sector , the centre , home to 25 companies from landscape architects to specialists in computer-aided design , manages to attract start-ups .
22 well , we we 're talking about the choral society , and saying well , sometimes they 're a bit inappropriate in what they choose to do , like movements from Christmas oratorios with only organ accompaniment , whereas in There 's some
23 In Haussmann 's Paris as well , all had become subordinated to traffic ; everything was organized around circulation , in straight lines from railway stations along the boulevards .
24 All those goodies from pork pies to chocolate biscuits had to be atoned .
25 The school soon found itself inundated with applications from college students around the country wanting to enrol on this innovative course .
26 The bill also limited the amount of funds which a candidate could receive from PACs , reduced the flow of " soft money " ( unregulated contributions from party organizations to candidates ) , limited personal spending by wealthy candidates and closed other loopholes through which special interests could influence campaigns and the conduct of congressional business .
27 IBM 's revenues from mainframe processors in calendar 1988 may have been only about $12billion , but sales of peripherals ( $11billion ) , software ( $8billion ) and maintenance ( $7billion ) should be added to this .
28 A notable feature of the ambers from Kakovatos is that they include spacer beads with convergent perforations like those on similar pieces from tumulus burials in south Germany , on the route from the amber coast of west Jutland to the Aegean world .
29 They look at the two good pay days from rebel tours to South Africa and also my benefit with Middlesex in 1986 .
30 When the original top weight defects from handicap hurdles in Britain , the new horse at the head of the weights shoulders only 11st 10lb .
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