Example sentences of "[noun pl] from [noun sg] [noun pl] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the original recruits from boarding schools were gradually replaced by younger girls , mostly straight from " board " ( that is ordinary elementary ) schools , and from ordinary working-class families in the city .
2 Spruce trimmings from forestry plantations are cheap , and with the heavy wire triangles make a strong and effective structure .
3 In humid tropical environments the leaching of metal cations from silicate minerals is controlled by the supply of acids ; this not only involves carbonic acid , although this is the most pervasive , but also sulphuric acid and , more significantly , a range of organic acids .
4 No one can break into the miners ' housing area without ‘ security clearance ’ at the gate by the union guards … the orders from management are completely disregarded and the directions from union leaders are kept to the letter …
5 Contributions from Squadron members are related in the order that they joined the unit and make for fascinating reading , especially as raids and operations inter-weave with different opinions coming to the fore — Alan has added occasional notes only by way of factual back-up , ensuring the originality of the contributor 's writing .
6 New tofu bangers from Cauldron Foods are sizzlingly succulent when grilled just like conventional sausages .
7 The changes in arbitration law may make this question less important in the future ; a finding that a reference was an arbitration will not improve the chances of a successful challenge , because the opportunities for appeals from arbitration awards are now so scarce : see 15.8.3 .
8 A questionnaire which asks about the systems now in use and for figures from electricity bills is all that is involved .
9 Guaranteed income bonds from insurance companies are one answer and it 's still possible to get a good return despite recent cuts .
10 No frogs developed if nuclei from adult frogs were placed into the egg .
11 Specific offline requests from LIFESPAN users are included while checking for the limit having been reached . )
12 However , lead emissions from car exhausts are an atmospheric pollutant that may be harmful to people 's health .
13 English Nature says that the European Community 's directive on reducing sulphur emissions from power stations is clearly not sufficient to protect wildlife .
14 Those who download files from bulletin boards are usually in tune with the overall concept .
15 Profits from gate receipts were £6,500 , another club record .
16 Alan Milburn , who is fighting Tory MP Michael Fallon for the Darlington seat , said health ministers were insulting Northerners by claiming ‘ that artificially removing patients from waiting lists is a success story . ’
17 To allow for background values contributed by complexes with E.coli proteins ( which were visually undetectable ) , dried gel slices from control lanes were also cut out and counted .
18 Some examples from non-specialist brewers are simply sedimented with the residual protein that would normally be removed after brewing .
19 Portraits by Julia Margaret Cameron , Emil Otto Hoppe , August Sander , Nadar , Paul Strand , Garry Winogrand , Duchamp , as well as Daguerrean photographers and portraits from family albums are discussed .
20 In Barnet and Kent ( both Conservative ) and Manchester ( Labour ) nominations from opposition groups were refused .
21 Mr William K. Reilly , the agency 's administrator , said the immediate cancer risk to children from fungicide residues was negligible .
22 Such measures of absences from parish registers are the crudest of indicators , but other evidence points in the same direction .
23 But , true to its timid traditions , the English crimi nal justice system still excludes these videos from court hearings be cause of the hearsay rule ; a rule which has never been definitively formulated but which crudely pre vents statements made out of court by a witness to someone else being admissible .
24 Lichtenstein , Slovic , Fischhoff , Layman and Combs ( 1978 ) for example in a study on the judged frequency of a variety of lethal events found that the frequency of deaths from road accidents was systematically underestimated in relation to other causes of death .
25 Human deaths from snake bites are caused mainly by accident .
26 The independence of events such as deaths from plane crashes is also important since this may relate to the appropriateness of any rate quoted .
27 Deaths from traffic accidents are a function of exposure and risk per unit exposure , with the latter falling as vehicle density rises ( Smeed 's Law : deaths per vehicle per year=0.0003× ( vehicles/population ) - . 6 6 ) .
28 During the years 1949–69 at least 70 people are known to have died in England and Wales from wasp stings , but deaths from bee stings are less frequent .
29 The government attempted to address the problem with a complex package of restrictions designed to limit landholdings , particularly in the larger cities ; property taxes and capital gains tax were raised , while windfall gains from development projects were subject to heavy levies .
30 For the final model the r.m.s. deviations from target values are 0.011Å for bond lengths and 2.7° for bond angles .
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