Example sentences of "[noun pl] but when [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In San Salvador , the Committee headquarters is a table under the shelter of three mango trees in the garden of the Archbishopric- Their files are kept in the garden shed where the CDHES has its offices but when it rains , there is no alternative but to close up shop .
2 Although she felt a little guilty about letting him do it Sally found she quite liked the feel of his fingers stroking her flesh and teasing her nipples but when he tried to put his hand up her skirt beneath her scratchy petticoats she tried to stop him .
3 The bodice hung in folds but when she pulled the belt good and tight it did n't look so bad .
4 We have all had these emotions but when they reach such a pitch that our suppression of them can not cope , we explode , turning against whoever or whatever is in our way in an attempt to destroy it .
5 ‘ Before she went to university she had great expectations but when she got there she was disappointed .
6 But they had a new headmaster oh he 's just retired , he 's been there been there since Lynn was there when since she was since the er she 's twice that age so I mean he must have been there eighteen years but when he went there he 's er totally the school from the word go
7 The yellow and orange feathers that form the head flash can be quite inconspicuous at times but when I spread them out with my fingers they burned like flame in what was left of the winter light .
8 OK , we 've got Hardware and a fistful of talced-up goths but when it comes to ominous undertones the altered States are a league ahead .
9 OK , we 've got Hardware and a fistful of talced-up goths but when it comes to ominous undertones the altered States are a league ahead .
10 So the ideal as far as federal government is concerned is they , they devise policy guidelines and they provide financial inducements to states to implement various programmes but when it comes down to it they run up against the rock of the constitution and the constitution says that the states derive their authority from this sacred document and they are not to be tampered with and the consequence is that America has , not only a federal government , but fifty state governments er and those state governments are large enterprises which enjoy wide initiative and they contributors , contribute to the divi diversity of the United States as a political system .
11 ‘ Every project has to be considered on its own merits but when it comes to safety there are certain common denominators — that 's why there are so many do 's and don'ts in place — to protect us , ’ explains regional health and safety advisor , John Fegan who , together with colleague David Scott is responsible for all of Wimpey 's Contracting and Homes sites in Scotland .
12 It was fine while they had their own flats but when she moved in with Larry their sex life seemed to fade .
13 Always check the area you are sailing into to allow for the time when you will be facing battlements but when you crouch in the middle of the boat , do keep an eye on the boom or you 'll end up with a nasty bump on the head .
14 Prosecutor Mr David Archer told the court that Whitehouse was seen to roll a cigarette by the officers but when they approached , he crunched it up .
15 BRITAIN 'S MINERS DO vital job in gruelling conditions but when they went on strike they sacrificed all their earnings and were attacked by the police .
16 While I sympathize with the caller from West Calder , I feel we pay poll tax as well to cover all these things but when I bought my house , my solicitor had me in for two hours and went through all my obligations under the title deeds part of was , that I had to pay one three hundredths of keeping the open areas clean and tidy plus grass cutting .
17 Great sporting moments have many facets but when it comes down to thrills and spill and leaving the pulses racing , the National is hard to beat .
18 Until the 1820s it rose and fell over a succession of steep hills and deep valleys but when it became the London–Holyhead road sections were totally rebuilt by Thomas Telford .
19 Kolchinsky was used to the gentle ribbing he got from the operatives about his cost-cutting exercises but when it came to the crunch he would never put any of their lives at risk for the sake of the budget .
20 At the departmental level we might have ten a hundred possibly a thousand users but when we go enterprise-wide there may be thousands or many tens of thousands of users .
21 The strains of a two-week court ordeal showed in her face and in her shaking hands but when she spoke of her determination to fight on her voice was steady .
22 He secured two admission tickets but when he arrived he found they were only good for the front doors where ‘ already hundreds were waiting ’ .
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