Example sentences of "[noun pl] but [det] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Information has to be taken in to the brain — often through the eyes but this is only because humans rely so much upon this sense .
2 There are hundreds of sets of questions — many newspapers and magazines and various helping , agencies publish " do-it-yourself " check lists but these are notoriously Inaccurate .
3 ‘ Beaming ’ the signal is possible using certain high-frequency radio waves but this is only useful if you know where the receiving station happens to be .
4 He said : ‘ We have often been accused that the rats are coming from the allotments but that is no longer the case . ’
5 Only high risk process operations dealing with food preservation , including canning , need to take account of spores but these are usually dealt with during food processing .
6 Cox , of course , had to make retrospective IQ estimates for her subjects but these are probably fairly accurate and average about 160 , with a range overlapping considerably with that actually found in the gifted children .
7 Louise and Miriam had been doing their work with set faces and compressed lips but that was doubtless because of the smell of the insects which was frightful .
8 Of course , you can always refer to books but this is rarely convenient if you have a piece of work to do for a deadline .
9 There were , of course , Parent-Teacher Associations but these were often merely a useful means of formalising the relationship between home and school .
10 I have some hesitation about accepting the second leg of the ratio decidendi in the circumstances but that is certainly the way in which Fox L.J .
11 The unions followed the national day of action with regional days but these were badly supported and attracted little attention .
12 The khedda looks too flimsy to hold a herd of furious , newly rounded-up elephants but that is exactly what it is designed to do .
13 I want to make Wimbledon one of the biggest clubs but that is still a million-to-one shot .
14 ‘ I entered a few eisteddfods and competitions and did the exams but that was as far as I went .
15 He did sometimes break up meetings but that was usually when they were political .
16 Indeed , the attendance allowance system has made it possible for councillors from a broader social range to serve on local authorities but this is far removed from receiving a salary .
17 Their expenditure had increased more sharply than that of other authorities but this was partly due to the government 's own policy of spending more on law and order and accepting above-average increases in police pay .
18 There were , for example , several special day care schemes , relief sitting services for relatives , carers , support groups but each was very small in scale .
19 At day 7 , however , histamine concentrations tended to be less in the L group than in the C and U groups but this was statistically insignificant ( Fig 8 ) .
20 In the ensuing wide-ranging discussion a lot of attention was given to child-care problems but these were rapidly relegated to being a symptom of something far more fundamental affecting women 's progression to the board : attitude .
21 The apartments are slightly more uniform than in some more rustic properties but all are traditionally decorated and furnished .
22 5 million children in lone-parent households but this is only a single snapshot count and the number of children currently estimated to be in step-families ( between 1 and 1 .
23 In the early years there were dancing partners but these were eventually replaced by demonstration couples .
24 The law may need a bit of help round the edges but that is absolutely essential .
25 Feminists have , until recently , paid scant attention to their older sisters but this is now being remedied .
26 Word processors such as Microsoft Word , Samna IV , Wordcraft and WordPerfect can certainly drive page printers but that 's just about the limit of their desktop publishing capabilities .
27 The never-ending rounds of golf and cocktail circuits ostensibly develop excellent customer relations but these are effectively no more than a veneer of sincerity iii the rude pursuit of the fast sale .
28 To say either that someone acts authoritatively or that someone is responsible for his actions may depend upon the possibility of ascribing mental states or capacities but neither is merely a shorthand way of ascribing them .
29 Says Lt Watts , a Northern Ireland veteran : ‘ Before Bosnia I 'd seen a couple of bodies in road accidents but that was just it .
30 We were divided into watches but this was largely meaningless .
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