Example sentences of "[noun pl] but [pron] [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For a moment , Donna felt tears welling up in her eyes but she fought back the pain , forced the thoughts away .
2 She took a couple of tentative steps but he reached out and swiftly held her by the shoulders .
3 The nuts were always available for the little animals but we watched intently as the farmer poured the milk into the buckets and the calves started to drink .
4 We never starved and we were healthy kids but we did n't get any pocket money , there was none to spare .
5 Miss Grimes had certainly been glad of the presents but she had not really seemed as destitute and lonely as Ianthe had expected — perhaps secretly even hoped — and she found herself resenting the way she had taken the violets .
6 Once more it was impossible to get high enough to see over the neighbouring branches but he called down that he was reasonably sure that they were now at the southernmost end of the depression which contained the Swamp and that if after another mile or so they turned westward they could do so on dry land .
7 Once more it was impossible to get high enough to see over the neighbouring branches but he called down that he was reasonably sure that they were now at the southernmost end of the depression which contained the Swamp and that if after another mile or so they turned westward they could do so on dry land .
8 Craig made to put his arm around her shoulders but she held up her hand .
9 I 'd been to thirteen convents but I had n't really been to school properly because I was working by the time I was thirteen .
10 He was able to live quite comfortably from the fruits of his labours but he had always wanted just a little more land .
11 There were things sticking out all over the place on the Albini recordings but we came away with a sound we liked , ’ says the bass player .
12 Mr Airlie conceded that there might be some residual animosity towards the electricians but he did not envisage any problems in taking the union into the TUC .
13 Talei said later : ‘ I was thrilled to have found my real parents but I did n't know how I could possibly get out there . ’
14 She did get visits from other visitors but they wore off because of her awkwardness .
15 The clerk behind the hatch asked for their empties before she 'd hand over the new bottles but they had n't got them .
16 The Robbins proposals , however , pointed towards a system of CNAA tutelage for those institutions which might have university aspirations but which had not , like the CATs , yet earned their spurs .
17 An elderly man named John Thomas , who was still a member of the Association of Foremen Lightermen but who had not worked in that capacity for some two years and who was now a watchman , was approached to join Harry Gosling 's Amalgamated Society of Watermen , Lightermen and Watchmen of the River Thames .
18 In those days a man was allocated duties , it is true they tried to arrange that he was on early spread , medium or late duties but it did n't always work out because of holidays , sickness or that but erm there were no restriction on hours .
19 I did n't care much for the hens and geese but I had quite a high opinion of the pigs .
20 The government could and should have required FGD on all its old power stations but it did n't .
21 She was vaguely conscious of passing through occasional stations but she did n't wake up until a soft shaking of her shoulder gently brought her to life .
22 I knew him , back in student days but I had n't seen him for ten years . ’
23 Her season began unpromisingly with an attack of shingles which kept her out of action for a couple of weeks but she recovered quickly and so completely that in addition to compiling her formidable record on the golf course , she was able to cope more than adequately with her school exams .
24 She finished her letter by saying that this must seem a very small matter to people suffering serious illnesses but she resented not feeling able to complain because of her fear of being seen as childish or neurotic .
25 He must have been around for years but I did n't know what his name was .
26 The judge , Mr Justice Humphrey Potts , said he would have put Casabona behind bars for two years but he had already served an equivalent term on remand .
27 Friends of Eleanor , 52 , said : ‘ Eleanor had known about Sandy 's friendship for two years but she decided enough was enough . ’
28 There was some colour back in his cheeks but he looked very sick .
29 Lee did n't shake it like they did in the films but he did n't carry on with his tantrum .
30 She had tried separating them to eat in different places but it had not worked as they tried to run around while eating .
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