Example sentences of "[noun pl] but he [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 've been refusing that man a cheque book for months but he just went inside and someone from senior management , who has n't been behind a counter for years , just hands one over without a thought . ’
2 ‘ David has done a great job over the last few weeks but he still has playing ambitions .
3 The Rev. Joseph Edelson , a controversial Anglo-Catholic who gave his name to the house , was vicar of Gainford for 40 years but he also had other interests .
4 And he had , kept getting bad , and he 'd had bad heads oh for years but he just thought that was , he was one of them people that got bad heads .
5 I do n't know what the financial arrangements are but he has a double role , he attends the classes but he also does spinal manipulation and massage for those of Brand 's clients who need it or say they do . ’
6 Dad thanked the man several times but he just grunted and left .
7 I denied homosexual inclinations but he still made me bend down so that he could inspect my behind with a wooden spatula .
8 ‘ He saw commercial reps and talked to customers but he always called me in before he put in an order or gave an estimate . ’
9 I do n't know if he ever guessed my feelings but he always treated me with great kindness and understanding .
10 He may bring problems but he also helps to solve them ’ .
11 Otis Ferguson was aware that the film depicted a ‘ phony strike ’ and that there was no real analysis of labour-management problems but he still felt that it had ‘ this air of life whatever we may think of its social content ’ .
12 His deafness cut him off from a lot of things but he never told us to speak up and would sit at family meals with a benign expression on his face while we chattered away .
13 I could have won a couple of the frames but he just played too well for me .
14 PETER NIVEN ( Rubika ) : ‘ Mine just was n't fast enough to stay with the leaders but he still gave me a wonderful ride . ’
15 He drew it each Friday when he drew the men 's wages but he never handed the money over to Sarah until Saturday morning when she was off to do the shopping . ’
16 Derek waited for Superintendent Miller to mention Tristram Abberley 's letters but he never did .
17 Preston tried to keep his fears from the twins but he also kept them as far from the edges and ends of the platform as he possibly could in case of beast attacks .
18 I 'm forever putting him on diets but he just runs straight round to the local kebab shop and puts away three large doners and a rum baba .
19 He still stressed the desirability of banning the fascists but he now stated that anti-semitism had added a new dimension to the problem since 1934 .
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