Example sentences of "[noun pl] not [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , their proposals to give budget control to headteachers is explicitly seen as a way of making a direct link to schools not mediated by LEAs .
2 He adds extra off-beat notes not demanded by words or vocal line , often splitting up syllables or even consonants , slurring words together , disguising the verbal sense ( see Ex. 1.3 ) .
3 In any given category or group , some individuals will have competences not shared by others .
4 Great soreness and restlessness ; stupor and mild delirium — child constantly tossing about ; very itchy rashes not relieved by scratching ; rash is also dry , hot and burning ; desire cold drinks .
5 Does the Northern Ireland Office keep a record of unadopted roads not covered by bonds ?
6 Work continued on the Falkirk ( 31E ) and Livingston ( 32W ) sheets in those parts of the sheet areas not covered by DOE funded projects .
7 identify best practice befitting progressive management in areas not covered by legislation .
8 The package will cover areas not covered by insurance claims and will be directed mainly at the fish farming industry .
9 In countries not threatened by invasion , foreign policy is rarely prominent in election campaigns , but there is more to the UK silence than that .
10 However , it is clear that a mistake can relate to two quite different types of circumstance , namely circumstances qualified by mens rea and circumstances not qualified by mens rea .
11 One maverick publication , The Return of William Shakespeare ( 1929 ) , featured an inspired chapter of Shakespearian criticism framed by an unconvincing science-fictional device which removed it to shelves not visited by scholars .
12 Of the four seats not won by ZANU-PF in the House of Assembly , ZUM won two in Tekere 's home province of Manicaland ; a third seat , also in Manicaland , was taken by the Rev. Ndabaningi Sithole 's ZANU ( Ndonga ) party ; and the election for the remaining parliamentary seat was postponed .
13 The new plan is aimed at employed persons not covered by company schemes , and the self-employed .
14 But to take this line is to attribute to bilinguals special linguistic powers not shared by monolinguals .
15 Pore spaces are the voids not filled by grains or matrix within a sediment .
16 Chemical wastes not covered by ICI 's licenses are sent for external treatment , disposal or incineration .
17 The second was the rules-of-origin clause which excluded exports by firms not majority-owned by Africans .
18 At y e lower Corner of Fleet lane at y e Sign of ye Naked Boy & Coffin you may be Accomodated w th all things for a Funeral as well y e meanest as those of greater Ability upon Reasonable Terms more particularly Coffins Shrouds Palls Cloaks Sconces Stans Hangings for Rooms Heraldry Hearse & Coaches Gloves w th all other things not mentioned by W m .
19 After the shouting would come screaming , biting , dancing in circles , waving the arms and legs and many other things not recommended by Dr Marwan Ibrahim Al-Kaysi as truly Islamic behaviour .
20 The Lady 39–40 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ER Tel : 071–379 4717 Published weekly ; classified ads not accepted by telephone
21 Algae not cured by straw
22 A subfamily of the Ophiacanthidae with a sack-like disk covered with thickened skin or thin scales which often carry spinelets or granules ; radial shields variable in shape , either rib-like with only the distal ends not covered by scales or short with most of the plate visible ; the jaws distinctly longer than broad ; one or sometimes as many as three large blunt apical papillae flanked on each side by three to many oral papillae ; in most genera the second oral tentacle pore arising superficially or nearly so and the associated tentacle scales often forming a continuous series with the oral papillae ; the oral tentacle scales often spine-like and larger than the oral papillae , except in Ophiolimna where the second oral tentacle pore is obscured by a large opercular distal oral papillae ; nearly all genera with well developed elongated adoral shields and a large oral shield ; the tentacle pores of the arm mostly large and often with small spine-like tentacle scales although some genera with smaller pores armed with well developed tentacle scales ; the arm spines relatively short usually only slightly longer than one arm segment .
23 Submergent features not offset by uplift .
24 In all behavioural matters and indeed in many technical matters also it is important to avoid the impression that when operations in practice contain undesirable features not predicted by designers then the designers have made mistakes .
25 Few ( if any ) earth science review theses are produced , with the possible exception of the small number of D Sc theses , and in the course of the present work , no theses reporting negative results were found , apart from those recording false starts in methodology , or theoretical preconceptions not supported by field evidence , and subsequently modified .
26 Ministries and state committees headed by Cabinet members came above co-ordinating committees and departments not headed by Cabinet ministers , which in turn would be above federal agencies and services .
27 I 'm at the long ledge below the final wall of the Nose , where the Direct , Superdirect , and other routes not mentioned by Ron James converge .
28 ( 2 ) This section does not apply to — ( a ) assents by a personal representative ; ( b ) disclaimers made in accordance with section 54 of the bankruptcy Act 1914 or not required to be evidenced in writing ; ( c ) surrenders by operation of law , including surrenders which may , by law , be effected without writing ; ( d ) leases or tenancies or other assurances not required by law to be made in writing ; ( e ) receipts not required by law to be under seal ; ( f ) vesting orders of the court or other competent authority ; ( g ) conveyances taking effect by operation of law .
29 where quantification is already evident in the accounts themselves ( an example of which might be a presentation rather than a measurement matter , such as an adaptation of the headings in the Act 's format requirements not covered by paragraph 3(3) of Schedule 4 ) , or (
30 Mr Lamont resisted persistent demands from Labour for assurances that pensioners not covered by income support would be fully compensated for the 17.5 per cent increase from April 1995 .
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