Example sentences of "[noun pl] are [not/n't] [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 I concede that the current recession and the Government 's mismanagement of the economy have a part to play in the fact that prestige projects are not lining up to locate in the bay .
2 First meetings are not followed up , relationships not developed .
3 We 've only really got work for the the labourers in the form , even labourers are n't employed up to the ninth floor cos that work 's already been completed .
4 Strathclyde has made a direct appeal to the Scottish education minister , Lord James Douglas-Hamilton , to change the legislation so that closure programmes are not caught up in lengthy delays .
5 Conversation is sparse this morning as mild mutual curiosities are not taken up .
6 The 26-person start-up claims most computer companies are n't following up on their leads properly , blowing wads of money in the process .
7 That the government , local authorities and private companies are not queueing up to offer the resources to enable CABx to extend their work can only be due to the movement 's failure to make its point effectively .
8 One may well ask why , with such a generous offer , the chief executives of our generating companies are not queuing up at British Coal 's door .
9 An extreme example would be an instance when there are signs of child abuse and the cues are not picked up by people outside the home setting .
10 The Maastricht rebels are n't giving up .
11 Encourage all the children to talk openly about their feelings so that hidden resentments are not bottled up inside them .
12 you did , you 're the cleverest girl in the world are n't you ? there 's your space suit where are you ? , come here while I pull your pants up , pants up first , pants up first lets run some water wait a minute your trousers are not pulled up right both hands in a little bit of soap on , now rub them together good rinse , get all the soap off , right shake , rattle and roll , hands washed , I mean dried sorry
13 This is a very significant advantage as discussions about different weightings are not held up while new calculations are made .
14 Most dogs are n't allowed up upstairs .
15 It also has a common interest with the health authority in seeing people are placed appropriately and beds are not clogged up .
16 than my job then he said I presume you 've got mixed feelings , I said no my feelings are n't mixed up at all , I 'm quite , I 'm quite sure of my feelings of what I know , I said David I would n't associate myself , I would n't drink and I would n't go out with anybody in this building and he nearly fell over and he said dare I ask why ?
17 It seems clear then that life , at least as we know it , can exist only in regions of space-time in which one time and three space dimensions are not curled up small .
18 The substantive jus cogens provisions are not backed up by any general procedural rights .
19 I am concerned that many young people with learning difficulties are not taking up the assessment offered in their final year of education .
20 Always turn off the water at the mains stopcock first ( or tie up the ballvalve ) and turn on all taps ( provided the sink and basin wastes are n't frozen up ! ) and then attempt to trace the position of the burst .
21 American computer firms are not letting up on their law suits against ‘ copy cat ’ Japanese rivals .
22 In my area of east London , the TEC has asked the careers service to canvass for places because the training providers are not coming up with them .
23 Beliefs are not conjured up out of nothing but are rather a response to experience .
24 Unfortunately these tables are not kept up to date , so even if your statute is not in the table it may be found in the relevant group in the main work .
25 Frankly , it is n't worth the memory space it takes up , as improvements with other than database programs are imperceptible , and access with database files are n't speeded up very noticeably .
26 However , even bootees or Babygros can damage a baby 's malleable feet , so check regularly that toes are not scrunched up .
27 In other words the access paths for joining or separating relations are not set up with the data .
28 Dominant social elites are not made up simply of capitalists , but also include managers and professionals , whose power rests upon their capacity to exclude others from their property , whether material or intellectual .
29 But the locals are n't giving up yet .
30 What if the employers ' job offers are not taken up by the students ?
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