Example sentences of "[noun pl] he had [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 They had been away from home for eight weeks , and one evening the captain showed us the presents he had bought for his wife .
2 All those words he had hoarded for so long and released so grudgingly .
3 Apart from a few ornaments and pictures he had paid for everything .
4 From then on Endill was never again scared by the strange footsteps he had heard for years in the middle of the night .
5 The little girl too was much improved , no longer neglected , looking very pretty in the new shoes he had bought for her .
6 The introduction to medieval and Renaissance literature that appeared some months after his death as The Discarded Image ( 1964 ) , based on the accumulated notes of lectures he had given for decades in Oxford and Cambridge , deals sympathetically with authors who , as he approvingly remarks , quote Homer and Hesiod ‘ as if they were no less to be taken into account than the sacred writers ’ ; and the break in the European spirit he saw as a consequence of the seventeenth-century scientific revolution is magnified here , in a sweeping argument , far beyond the familiar classroom shift from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance .
7 But in the three years he had worked for her , she had n't deceived him .
8 The Rev. Richard Westrope left Belgrave Chapel in Leeds when there were complaints about the ‘ social gospel ’ topics he had chosen for his Sunday evening social addresses : of course these problems were not unique to Nonconformist ministers .
9 Forty thousand pounds he had paid for it , a sum which now seemed laughably small , but which in those days had been a vast amount to pay for a private house , even in such a prime position .
10 In the end Father landed a job that was n't too bad , working as a technical engineer for Marconi 's , whose goods he had bought for so many years .
11 For on it lay the prickly pears he had picked for her earlier , now denuded of their spikes and cut into quarters .
12 The motto formed part of the coat of arms he had designed for the establishment — five poker dice surmounted by an imperial crown .
13 Patrick was looking through the Kawasaki brochures he had sent for when he heard her handbell summoning him .
14 Coleman had gone up on the roof the previous evening for one of his periodic checks of the antennae he had rigged for the listening post .
15 Cotton 's greatest interest for the rest of his life was to help young professionals follow and benefit from the high standards he had set for himself .
16 This resolution was offered as a substitute for that reported out by the Budget Committee , and if accepted would give the president virtually all the cuts he had asked for .
17 He had to supervise dances he had arranged for Aida , one of the productions taken by the Covent Garden Opera to the Rhodes centenary celebrations .
18 At the scene of the attack police found a plastic bag holding the pint of milk and four sausages he had bought for his tea — and some of the breadcrumbs he scattered to the birds each day .
19 Or , and this was more likely , he found Beth too lovely , too desirable , too much like the women he had longed for as a young man , and never had the fortune to find .
20 The Alpine snows closed over his militant steps , and the sinners he had excommunicated for one reason or another turned their thoughts from irregular union or simony , if they had ever been on them , and peered into the mists of what promised to be a very long vacancy .
21 That afternoon in the big , empty cinema , I gave him a private showing of the film , and there were many pictures of Danckwerts 's shipmates of thirty years earlier , including an interview I had had with his immediate superior , Captain Helmuth Giessler , the ship 's navigating officer , who told me of the secret preparations he had made for the midnight departure from Brest in February 1942 of the Scharnhorst , Gneisenau and Prinz Eugen on the eve of their audacious dash through the English Channel to Germany .
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