Example sentences of "[noun pl] he [is] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He says in 20 years he 's not known a similar accident .
2 ‘ By all accounts he is n't over-impressed despite their convincing start .
3 It 's something Dermot O'Shea is pleased to see — as Art Editor of The Irish Times he 's always felt that , just as a newspaper gives prominence to its top story , so also its best images should be treated with equal respect .
4 They ought to suggest also that he thought more deeply than his critics have ever recognised about just those issues he is commonly alleged to ignore : the processes of temptation , the complex nature of good and evil , the relationship between reality and our fallible perception of it .
5 The only ones he 's ever done was bodge it and scarper himself so
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