Example sentences of "[noun pl] he [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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31 For several years he drew a salary as distributor of stamps in Ireland , but it seems unlikely that he was one of the Irish Brookes .
32 From these memories he developed a theory that there were three main stages in a child 's development .
33 To support these managers he established a marketing department , improved the financial system and introduced business planning for the first time to AEA .
34 Was it possible that for the sake of prayer and guidance of souls he had a calling to the unmarried state ?
35 From the pocket of his overalls he took a photo of Carol .
36 For the first time in all his journeys he found a room that was completely empty , but he had n't the time to investigate it , or any of the others he entered .
37 By eschewing such girls he avoided a lot of foreign in-laws and chatter in disparate tongues , and the misunderstandings that are inevitably worsened by not quite speaking the same language .
38 But then between the fronds he saw a face , the most beautiful face he could have dreamed of or imagined , a still white face , with long gold lashes on pale cheeks , and a perfect pale mouth .
39 With soil-caked fingers he drew a handkerchief from a pocket and blew his nose .
40 In music , unlike literature , he was largely self-taught , but during his schooldays he developed a facility both for improvisation on the piano and for attractive small-scale compositions .
41 And for the more ambitious film projects he developed a coproduction arrangement with David O. Selznick , the producer who had lured Hitchcock to Hollywood .
42 Without proper maps he followed a route set by compass , boiling up pemmican and glucose for food and sleeping under the stars in a sleeping bag at night .
43 One day in April 1943 Albert Hoffmann , a chemist who was working at Sandoz on the development of ergot alkaloids , felt unwell and went home early , where for some hours he experienced a variety of disordered visions .
44 Off the field he has displayed other varied talents he co-wrote a TV series and a novel and his chirpy charm won admirers .
45 In one of his class exams he set a test in which he had jumbled the sentences in a passage of prose .
46 Although a man of many and varied accomplishments he remained a countryman at heart , with an abiding love of the Scottish lowlands .
47 As the Frenchman doubled past behind the prisoners he shouted a greeting .
48 Sometimes he simply hung over the bank and untied the boat , other times he rattled a stick against the boathouse door and shouted in a gruff , common voice — he was a good mimic — ‘ Who 's there ?
49 At times he has a lover he can hurt
50 In his four hands he holds a sceptre , a string of beads , a bow and a book of scripture .
51 In his hands he holds a snuff box , shaped like a small quiver , and a thin stick .
52 For walking out and for Sundays he had a cord jacket and cord trousers .
53 To get the high temperatures he used a kiln like a glass furnace .
54 A fourth taxi driver told the police he escaped a murder attempt in north Belfast a short time later , claiming he spotted a black Mini car carrying two men who pulled on masks and produced a gun when they approached his car on the Antrim road .
55 Every few minutes the cock tests the temperature of the mound : if it falls below 33 degrees Celsius he adds more compost , while if it rises above 33 degrees he makes a vent in the mound to cool the eggs .
56 George Jamison , 45 , has been told by specialists he needs a triple-bypass .
57 After recovering from his injuries he spent a tour as a Link Trainer Instructor before converting to the Canberra in 1955 .
58 Two days after the fire in which the Johnsons choked to death from fumes he held a party .
59 Certainly he was not the first to have been struck by the idea , and in his first book on leys he quotes a reference from 1882 in which G.H. Piper notes an alignment of several sites in Herefordshire .
60 For both the 1654 and the 1659 Commons he kept a sort of diary .
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