Example sentences of "[noun pl] he have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Before an audience of 5,000 at the Royal Albert Hall , Harrison performed songs he had written over the past 25 years , and some Beatles classics .
2 ‘ Pah , nothing 's left from the previous existence — only the mere lees and dregs of thought , dreams of past time that the creature does not heed , or not half as much as the figments he has derived from Milton !
3 It seemed fresh and charming compared with some of the bawdy , world-weary journalists he had to deal with .
4 He would be ever hereafter his own successor in developing sequels to the steps he had taken in the spring and summer of 1837 .
5 However , in deference to his friend 's Moslem susceptibilities he had stayed with coffee , and certainly Turkish coffee taken mazbout , sweetened , was perfectly to his taste .
6 She walked round the room , looking at the fragments he 'd preserved from their life together .
7 For two centuries he has stood between the Elves of Ulthuan and their many foes .
8 The Scots rebelled and Charles I had to raise more money for an army to quell the uprising and for funds he had to resort to Parliament who demanded the removal of both Archbishop Laud and the Earl of Stafford .
9 He went to Sacramento with no readymade staff ; he had no understanding of how the political system worked and had no strategy for translating the goals he had espoused during the campaign into a programme of practical proposals .
10 They 'd danced to Michael 's band and her glossy pink trousers flashed and moved in the dimmed lights , and he had felt elated and mildly drunk , and had lost most of the inhibitions he 'd had about dancing , until it became clear to his confused brain that the drummer , who had soft dark hair and was probably a potential Celtic supporter , was getting on so well with Amanda that perhaps they should move on elsewhere , and he swayed out of the room , pushing her in front of him , and bumped into someone at the door , and had realised it was the man in the raincoat , only he was in a dark suit and a tie with geometric designs .
11 They had been away from home for eight weeks , and one evening the captain showed us the presents he had bought for his wife .
12 Erm I mean he he he 's bought , I mean the presents he 's bought to be honest I mean I think oh my god what a waste .
13 Those gruesome robots which had restrained the trio — and the Astropath — reminded Jaq so strongly of images he had viewed of traitor legionnaires , the polluted renegades spawned by the would-be Emperor-slayers of long ago who now lurked in a certain terrible , twisted zone of the galaxy …
14 He had felt distress and pity for the sufferings he had seen about him , but they had not struck home to his heart as seeing McAllister brought so low had done .
15 The wind blew down the tents of the other lads he had joined in camping on an apparently sheltered spot in a hollow above the sea .
16 He 'd never told Mum about the words he 'd had with the relief officers , which was a blessing really because she would never have shut up about it .
17 He himself was only a little shy — and obviously very proud of the English words he 'd acquired in the few months since his arrival .
18 Flipping back through the pile of loose pages again , he looked for the words he had written about the dark-haired princess who had so generously , so openly acknowledged his presence , the girl to whom ( surely ) he would have been able to tell The Truth .
19 After the words he had written to her , it was churlish of her to avoid him , but she dreaded any interview because of what she must say .
20 Terrified to telephone and hear him say the words he had written on paper , she collapsed ultimately into a drunken stupor — a woman who had never previously drunk more than a half bottle of wine .
21 All those words he had hoarded for so long and released so grudgingly .
22 The last words he had spoken to me on the subject of kitchen units had been really quite abusive .
23 ‘ I just bet you have ! ’ she ground out , echoing the words he had used about her relationship with Tim Dunton earlier this morning .
24 I ask whether with the above words he has entrusted to Pamphilus that after his death he should make over a hundred to the sons of the deceased .
25 Eventually he was referred to a consultant who took a careful case-history and wondered if there might be some connection between the heavy doses of antibiotics he had received as a young man and the continuing diarrhoea .
26 At the end of the negotiations , as he prepared to run off to salvage what he could from the wreckage of the crashed aircraft in Nicaragua , North told the Iranians he had failed in his mission ‘ to start the process of healing between our countries ’ ; the two nations , Iran and America , were about to pass each other like ships in the night .
27 The Frenchman 's dark aquiline features and unsmiling silences made him think of history-book pictures he 'd seen of the warrior heroes of ancient Greece and Rome , and the dismay he had felt at first when their car had struck the Annamese villager had increased his sense of awe .
28 They were slanted somehow , and he recollected pictures he had seen of the early ancestors of the Manchu .
29 ‘ I fully expected to see a hangar out there and there was n't one ’ , lamented Kermit as we looked through the many pictures he had brought with him to the Reno Air Races .
30 Apart from a few ornaments and pictures he had paid for everything .
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