Example sentences of "[noun pl] on a [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We do n't know a lot , do we ? ’ she said , fixing her eyes on a policeman in uniform who was walking by .
2 It was to be seven long years before I actually clapped eyes on a cuckoo in the wild — on a school camping holiday to the Scilly Isles , of all places — but that was in another life and another land , far from my roots in Colchester Park and Colchester Zoo .
3 Two social workers have been suspended from work following allegations that they smoked cannabis while supervising three teenagers on a holiday in Torquay .
4 There were no major casualties on a day in which only four men broke par .
5 The bar closed during dinner but a delightful custom prevailed which consisted of arranging all the bottles on a table in the hall below a notice inviting guests to help themselves and enter libations imbibed in the book provided .
6 Yeah so anyway and I said that 's not very nice so we were talking this morning about her and I had to tell Ann did n't I that she drove to work three days on a trot in her bleeding lights two .
7 A U-series age of 12120kyr obtained from littoral stromatolites on a shoreline in the Namarunu area indicates that Lake Suguta reached high levels at this time .
8 It is sandwiched between a row of warehouses and meat-packing factories on a wharf in downtown New Haven .
9 ‘ If you have a row of garish shirts in all sorts of colours on a rack in a sports shop and one in just black , which one is going to stick out ?
10 Following the violence in Rostock on Aug. 22-26 [ see p. 39065 ] and attacks on a hostel in Cottbus and two other Brandenburg towns on Aug. 29-30 , a hostel for asylum seekers was attacked in Eisenhüttenstadt during the nights of Sept. 4-5 and 5-6 , and 200 police and border troops were called in .
11 He described Roberts 's observations on a reduction in KMAG as timely :
12 FOUR people arrested during a raid by drugs squad officers on a house in Colchester were released over the weekend .
13 MENUS Frances Bissell comments on a menu in honour of Bernard Gaume , and another for Prince Charles ' Youth Business Trust
14 On the one hand he was receiving advice from Cardinal Barberini ( later Pope Urban VIII ) that he should steer clear of theological issues ; on the other he was advised that Cardinal Bellarmine would welcome his comments on a passage in Psalm 18 that appeared inconsistent with Copernican doctrine .
15 The next day one Israeli died and three were wounded when a group of Arabs attacked passengers on a bus in the Tel Aviv district .
16 He studied Nigel 's particulars and started to read them out slowly , looking up to query various points and making notes on a pad in front of him .
17 It enables us to remember the cards that have been played in a hand of bridge , the objects on a tray in the game of pelmanism , or reading a meter and recording the result ( see Fig. 5.1 ) .
18 There was a pile of spare copies on a table in the entrance hall .
19 Demonstrators on a march in Hong Kong on April 5 , organized by the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of the Democracy Movement in China , were urged by leading liberal Yeung Sum to cherish freedom of speech while they could , and to continue drawing attention to the denial of such freedom in China .
20 It boasts the development of scientific ‘ fingerprinting ’ techniques which trace the origin of illegal ivory — hardly a money spinner — and a stunt involving a quarter of a million bedding plants used to reproduce Van Gogh 's Sunflowers on a hillside in Scotland .
21 It was a group view , slightly blurred , a dozen friends on a day in the country .
22 Liotta is superb in the central role though Pesci as the mercurial and psychopathic DeVito easily steals the picture , switching moods on a knife-edge in a calculating yet effortless display of control .
23 Liotta is superb in the central role though Pesci as the mercurial and psychopathic DeVito easily steals the picture , switching moods on a knife-edge in a calculating yet effortless display of control .
24 But how do you get your hands on a jar in New Earswick ? ? ?
25 When Jan Timman and Jonathan Speelman shook hands on a draw in the fifth game of their match on Sunday night , it was perhaps the most surprising move of the event so far .
26 THE tension that has gripped Miami began to ease yesterday as a policeman , William Lozano , was found guilty of manslaughter over the killing of two young black men on a motorcycle in January .
27 THE tension that has gripped Miami began to ease yesterday as a policeman , William Lozano , was found guilty of manslaughter over the killing of two young black men on a motorcycle in January .
28 For a moment , as she had stood there , Davide noted how she truly recalled the virgin martyrs he had dreamed of , with her Easter cake as emblem , like the twin mound of her breasts St Agatha bears on a dish in heaven .
29 She founded Classics on a Shoestring in the late Eighties , an excellent , unfunded , unpaid company .
30 Thieves tried to break through shutters on a store in Battle Hill , Wallsend .
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