Example sentences of "[noun pl] would [be] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If Leeds have cocked up you can see why the fans would be a bit upset , but I guess mistakes do happen .
2 An agreed set of performance indicators would be a starting point for this .
3 Neither the Sutton or Mitcham route was crossed by any overbridge and it was stated that covered top cars would be a boon when crossing Mitcham Common in winter .
4 Tim Godfray , chief executive of the Booksellers Association , said this week that a tax on books would be a catastrophe .
5 Mr Godfray sent out a letter to some six hundred MPs on 25th January stating that ‘ A tax on books would be a body blow for education .
6 In most other environments , however , such acute ears would be a disadvantage for their owners would be deafened .
7 The single most useful measure for preventing Type 2 diabetes in the industrialised nations would be a reduction in energy intake with a consequent reduction in the prevalence of obesity , hyperlipidaemia , glucose intolerance and possibly hypertension .
8 But even in the nineteenth century , the drawing-room ballads and theatre tunes ‘ of the bourgeoisie ’ were heard and reproduced by many workers , just as ‘ art ’ music was regaled to them by brass bands and in promenade concerts ; while ownership of ‘ folk ’ songs would be a matter of dispute between ‘ peasants ’ , industrial workers , petty bourgeois writers and artisans , and patrician collectors .
9 The Government 's intention was that these funds would be a way of helping with one-off exceptional circumstances affecting only a small minority of students , but the reality is that once again they have been shown to be completely wrong .
10 Everyone felt that even the attainment of a small portion of Palestine for the Palestinian Arabs would be a triumph .
11 Whilst the poll tax in Kensington was set some 48% above government estimates , Institute of Public Finance figures suggest that average household bills would be a quarter lower than under the rates .
12 Women have a hard enough time — being a ‘ house-husband ’ in most circumstances would be a struggle as the majority of men would be unable to find the support that women get amongst their peer group .
13 Picture Post thought the young refugees would be a credit to Britain :
14 To be seen to be defending Virgin against attack by the big airlines would be a contradiction of this .
15 She said the extra places would be a lifeline to many of the families in the area who can not find local provision .
16 ‘ To disturb them after all the work that has been done over many years would be a disaster . ’
17 McLaren and the Sex Pistols would be a challenge .
18 A spokesman for Lothian health board said staff terms and conditions would be a matter for individual trusts .
19 But if the lizards ever took to forest or crag life , the fringes would be a preadaptation to leaping and parachuting , and — perhaps — a nudge towards the evolution of gliding , independently of the modern flying lizard draco volans .
20 The figures would be a shock to MPs and Department of Health officials — who had acknowledged that they not longer keep central statistics on closures — he added .
21 Adam did n't struggle ; no point in wasting energy when all he 'd get for his efforts would be a clip round the ear .
22 These wagers would be a talking point for days and in some cases bets on individuals would be made .
23 He argues that if other Americans were as good at their job as baseball players are at theirs , the country 's trade difficulties would be a thing of the past .
24 Perhaps the most appropriate position is that these rights are necessary , but not sufficient for women 's liberation , and that in their absence things would be a lot worse .
25 Thus alleged market failures in the area of advertisement hoardings would be a topic for the Monopolies Commission , whereas water supply might be expected to involve a regulatory authority or public supply agency .
26 On Croatia 's part , the immediate implementation of its plans to establish and safeguard the rights of minorities would be a sign that it recognises that there have been and are legitimate fears , particularly among the Serbs in Croatia .
27 Setting up safe havens for persecuted Moslems would be a re-run of his success in protecting the Kurds in northern Iraq , a move which earned Mr Major world-wide credit .
28 In two months ' time the slopes would be a vista of hazy blue .
29 Morris , Hoggart and Hudson agreed that the afternoon 's debate on press and public relations would be a doddle as far as the platform was concerned .
30 White cotton gloves would be a start .
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