Example sentences of "[noun pl] would [vb infin] to be " in BNC.

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1 Order , for example can function as a noun or as a verb and the transition probabilities of both senses to following words would have to be computed .
2 Their legs would need to be proportionately stronger , more like a reptile 's or a mammal 's , in which case they would need to have the metabolism of either a reptile or a mammal .
3 Might it not follow that other steps would need to be taken to help curb local unacceptable populations of rats and mice ?
4 Reform could take many guises , but there would have to be large investment in housing renewal , educational provision and job creation , while steps would need to be taken to reduce the real but , Scarman argued , not institutionalized , racism apparent within the Metropolitan Police .
5 Once all water which contains or could on present trends contain , 50 mg/litre nitrate is designated ‘ vulnerable ’ , steps would have to be taken to reduce nitrate pollution .
6 This view depends , of course , on seeing the reader , not as a unique individual , a private being , but as a vessel or meeting point for a variety of cultural codes and literary conventions , and it is in these terms and not those of affective experience that reading and readers would have to be discussed : the reader qua reader is as much the product of a ‘ grammar ’ ( however loosely this notion may now be conceived ) as was the text in classical structuralism .
7 Our surveys indicate that such units would have to be restricted to dimensions appropriate to the Navigation .
8 After 1322 the king dropped the offending phrases and recognized that the clergy would have to be taxed in their own assemblies , initiated by , but otherwise independent of , himself .
9 In any future release , two welcome refinements would be the simultaneous inclusion of source and load resistances in divider computations ; and audio and communications designers would like to be able to toggle divider ratios and percent error , to read out in dB voltage ( log20 ) and maybe power ( log10 ) deciBels .
10 For monetary policy to be successful the values of these parameters would need to be known .
11 This shows that for mixing to take place between high molecular weight components the solubility parameters would have to be virtually identical .
12 This may look like an easy knock-down argument against a silly theory which nobody has ever seriously held : but what is true of mental pictures would seem to be true of any kind of mental representing process which encodes sensations in some determinate form .
13 The ANC said that substantial progress in fulfilling these demands would have to be made before negotiations could recommence .
14 Although the plots of the two books would seem to be very different , they actually end in a similar manner , on a promising note .
15 Such entries would have to be flagged in the tree structure to show that they are misspellings to distinguish them from correct words ( as mentioned previously in section 4.4.3 during the discussion of the flagging system and the 12 codes necessary to represent proper nouns , compounds and phrases ) .
16 Where a many-to-many relationship is implied hierarchies would need to be created for both directions if the model is to represent the ‘ real world ’ accurately .
17 Scientific methods would have to be adopted .
18 These substances would be in small amounts in any but polluted waters , and analytical methods would have to be suited to the objective if it were desired to distinguish between them .
19 Unless monetary payment is to pass from the wife to the husband ( for instance , as in a case where the house is in the husband 's sole name and the husband and wife agree that it is to be transferred to husband and wife and held by them upon certain trusts provided the wife pays the husband a sum of moneysee Chapter 7 ) , when the husband may require such money for his own purchase of another property , a contract between the parties would appear to be unnecessary .
20 How might your various strategies change and what further considerations would need to be made if , after initial success in the United States market , the Middle East and Japan offered good export opportunities ?
21 Yet some coverage would have to be attempted , and candidates would have to be chosen with regard to their capacity to attract votes not simply throughout the whole constituency but also from specific localities within it .
22 While in theory multiple images would seem to be a way of enriching the screen 's information , in practice it was usually just distracting and slowed down the narrative speed .
23 For instance , being in the business , and purporting to understand the wider implications , our designs would have to be sensitive to the practicalities and compromises involved in production — whether or not these instruments ever got to that stage .
24 Safeguards would have to be built into the use of post-selection , pre-placement medical examinations , which should only be permitted if all successful applicants are subjected to such a medical examination .
25 It was feared a hundred and fifty animals would have to be destroyed .
26 The governors add that the effectiveness of interest-rate policy is related to ‘ the institutional status of the central bank ’ — a way of saying that those central bankers who are not yet free from the tutelage of finance ministries would like to be .
27 In addition , performance aspects would need to be watched closely .
28 As the losses would tend to be greater in the summer period this figure is an under estimate .
29 Is he saying that free representation — as opposed to advice — paid for out of public funds would continue to be a monopoly of UKIAS or some other similar organisation ?
30 This will also be the case where the shares are issued by a subsidiary incorporated in a jurisdiction where it can not avoid paying dividends or amounts in respect of redemption even if there are insufficient distributable profits , in which case funds would have to be provided by other group companies .
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