Example sentences of "[noun pl] would [adv] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the sea-urchin , positional signals would not have to travel across more than 20 cells .
2 The table settings would not have disgraced a banquet : fine Baccarat crystal , gold-crested porcelain and solid silver cutlery set on damask cloths .
3 This obligatory military involvement , though a burden which some clergy would willingly have evaded , was for others doubtless a proud duty or welcome excitement ; not many of those assembled actually saw battle , but their association with this medieval ‘ home guard ’ must surely have blurred the distinction between clergy and laymen , with ambiguous and some unfortunate results : more popular they may have been , but equally more vulnerable when sentiment turned , as it did , against both war and the clergy .
4 Pentecost did not only mean the offering of the firstfruits to God ( and what remarkable firstfruits of the Spirit were offered to the Lord that day as three thousand people believed , were baptised , and joined the company of the disciples praising God in the temple ) : first-century Jews would also have recalled the giving of the law on Mount Sinai ( see Jubilees 1:1 , 6:17 ) .
5 The report accepted that , without this , the frauds would not have come to light and that there were probably other , undetected , offences .
6 On passing under the building a cacophony of kettle drums and trumpets would once have announced the arrival of any important visitor .
7 But erm you know when we were on the strike if these lads would n't have gone back , there was couple of scabs went back into the quarry .
8 He said that if they had not gained the upper hand then the old Völkisch parties would certainly have picked a fight with Poland .
9 But anyway , the foreigners would n't have left much .
10 Thus , if the historical evidence seems to suggest that meat merged with mate , this can not be a valid interpretation according to this principle , because if it had happened then both meat and mate would subsequently have been eligible for merger with meet : speakers would not have known the difference .
11 Sometimes , it wondered whether dinosaurs would n't have made a better job of civilisation .
12 For the Scots would hardly have accepted the reformers ' belief in God 's especial guidance with such assurance had they not been long accustomed to think of themselves with a high level of worldly confidence .
13 She was an extraordinarily attractive girl , with a pale complexion , a freckled face , and ginger hair : a girl for whom most of the other GIs would willingly have given a monthly pay-packet .
14 Although this would hardly seem fast enough to catch prey , the smaller reptilian and amphibious animals would also have run at similarly slower speeds .
15 In an area with such rapid changes in temperature as to erode hard rock into sand , soft shells would not have survived .
16 And if the tape recorder had n't been rolling with me playing around on guitar , some of the songs would never have happened ; I would never have remembered them .
17 The Reichmann brothers would already have taken their day off on Saturday and today would be back at business as usual .
18 However , she realised that these matters would just have to take their course , although she must also remember she did n't have unlimited time at her disposal , because her father would be expecting her back at the office .
19 Fife also revealed that tax-payers would not have to pay for uncollected poll tax arrears , believed to stand at up to £35 million .
20 Sergeant Barry Middleton added : ‘ Tosh 's feet would n't have touched the ground . ’
21 One of the only four known examples of the form by Newport 's major maker , even restoration to its feet would not have prevented a far higher price in the boom of the late 1980s .
22 Sprawling at his feet would not have done much for her dignity .
23 He went to the council school , not Byron House , and he knew about football and boxing , sports that my parents would n't have dreamed of following .
24 From the very few interviews we conducted we were given to understand that the birth parents would not have opposed adoption if the links could be maintained ( Lambert et al . ,
25 In free as well as in pauper apprenticeship corporal punishment was allowed within reason , and the treatment of the " chimney boys " was as notorious as that of the factory children , for in both cases youngsters were being consigned to labour in conditions in which few parents would willingly have placed them .
26 Prof Spitz , Nuffield professor of paediatric surgery , added : ‘ We would never have started the operation if we thought one was n't going to survive , and the parents would never have wanted it . ’
27 It is also certainly the case that the global capitalist system has brought to hundreds of millions of people a standard of living that their parents would never have believed possible .
28 Investors there would nevertheless be permitted to write off against tax 50 per cent of costs entailed in a one-year period , while employees there would have their tax allowances increased , and companies would not have to pay the same local property and capital taxes as in western Germany .
29 However , it has to be recognized that the whole concept of conservation areas would never have become established in many places without a willingness by local authorities to accept development behind facades .
30 If so , maternal antibodies would probably have mopped up the NFEs before their analysis , suggesting that the analysed cells are of a different type .
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