Example sentences of "[noun pl] have come [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 PC Fishwick said it is likely the ties have come from a shop in the North-East or North Yorkshire .
2 We are naturally disappointed that substantial catastrophe losses have come at a time when the pace of our underlying recovery is accelerating , but we are confident that the improvement in our performance is soundly based and will continue to show through as strong management action proves increasingly effective . ’
3 This is especially important if the mice have come from a source that is not usually used and if the health status of the colony of origin is unknown .
4 Matters have come to a head with the publication of a new and more detailed insurance group rating system which insurers say will enable them to pinpoint the higher risk models more accurately .
5 TIMES may have been tough in recent years but matters have come to a fine pass when this distinguished theatre feels obliged to assemble a posse of actresses and two actors to perform what is basically a rather vulgar sketch and present it as a front length drama .
6 Most notably , the Spanish strategy was being implemented by a modernizing , socially reformist government , while in Britain the increasing pressures on the railways in recent years have come from a radical Conservative government hostile to the public sector in principle .
7 ITN 's cash problems have come at a time when news is more in demand than ever
8 Within the last few years , physicists have come within a few thousandths of a degree of absolute zero using a new technique called laser entrapment .
9 In the name of Allah , things have come to a pretty pass if the tabloids are influencing England 's selection policy .
10 But things have come to a pretty pass when obesity is confused with the wobbly bits the good Lord designed for girls — the bits that should stick out at the front and back of a strapless ballgown .
11 Loans have come from a variety of country houses such as Nostell Priory , Goodwood , Saltram , Ickworth and Burghley House and are fairly evenly divided between portraits and classical mythology ; frequently both are combined .
12 ‘ Not that I have any wish to flatter you , but I have to admit that your sometimes acerbic comments have come as a welcome change .
13 Erm our members and the County members have come to a a a judgement and a decision based on all that information , all the information that you you have just mentioned to this E I P .
14 States have shown a capacity for self-destruction in the past and wars have come with a regularity which would be monotonous were it not so horrifying ; history belies the claims of statesmen to be in charge of events .
15 The South Americans have come from a five-nation tournament in Hamburg , where they beat Spain 2-1 and lost to Australia 3-2 .
16 If I add that the majority of Cubists were formerly considered to be Fauves , I can demonstrate how far these young artists have come in a short time and the logic of their vision .
17 It 's very difficult to quantify those sorts of effects and er to members and the decision makers have to come to a judgement as best they can , given the information that 's before them .
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