Example sentences of "[noun pl] were on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As he came along the deck his legs were on a level with her eyes .
2 Gabriel noticed how grey the hairs were on the back of Woolley 's neck .
3 The old craft trades were on the whole the first to organize trade societies , giving the labour movement in Scotland a particular character and ( some have argued ) a particular ideology in which the influence of thrift , temperance and respectability was very marked .
4 Some of the chateau guards were on the curtain walls , forcing back the scaling ladders placed there .
5 He come flying round that bend near mums and nearly his kids were on the side of the road and he come through there
6 It should be noted , however , that heads were on the whole reluctant to ascribe much more than moderate success to their coordinators in respect of any of these aims .
7 Talking Heads were on the radio .
8 Tights were on the boiler , I 'd forgotten and run all the way ups down again
9 The ‘ Heshang ’ authors were on a collision course with the conservatives by taking this stance .
10 So that , when young gentlemen were on the rampage , the past — instead of being used as a stick with which to beat the deteriorated present — became the justification for taking a lenient view .
11 His eyes were on a level with Alexei 's and he smiled unpleasantly .
12 Her eyes were on a level with his chest , where his tie hung crookedly from a casually loosened knot .
13 Her eyes were on a level with his nose and they were brown and full of life .
14 His eyes were on the casket .
15 Their eyes were on the Miracle-Worker , the Angel Gabriel , perched in motionless splendour on a silver-gilded cloud , his hair awash with sunlight and his magical face worn like a mask that concealed some greater magic .
16 All eyes were on the clock as the hands dragged themselves , with agonising slowness towards noon and time to leave for the airfield .
17 All eyes were on the T'ang .
18 Theda could not but feel sorry for her , but Benedict 's eyes were on the lawyer , who had paused .
19 All eyes were on the catwalk and no one appeared to notice her , apart from a tall , grey-haired woman in the uniform of an atelier who moved towards her accusingly .
20 Even so , most eyes were on the Kilmarnock defence which had proved unexpectedly resilient in their opening three games .
21 Even so , most eyes were on the Kilmarnock defence which had proved unexpectedly resilient in their opening three games .
22 His eyes were on the string .
23 His eyes were on the street , scanning the few passers-by .
24 She glanced around with an innocent expression on her face , but all eyes were on the Doctor 's antics .
25 Because the clergy were on the whole ministering to the poor , many of them could not avoid being caught up in the unrest , violence and fear .
26 It seems that in some areas schools lost interest in the DCSL visits once the books were on the shelves .
27 ( 2 ) improved staff interest in and promotion of the library , and greater awareness by colleagues of which books were on the shelves :
28 Most of the winners were on the south and south west coasts , from Kent to Cornwall .
29 Maybe a Quantas jet had landed and the hosties were on the rampage .
30 Ruane 's giant stockinged feet were on the desk .
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