Example sentences of "[noun pl] were to be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Pippin was assigned Neustria , but the two main beneficiaries were to be Louis the German and Charles , leaving Lothar with only Italy .
2 He was determined to regain what his father had lost , and raise the French monarchy from its abasement after Poitiers ; but his methods were to be diplomacy , subversion , and limited campaigns rather than a great battle in which , as he appreciated , the French were liable to be defeated yet again .
3 Although the highlights of the visits were to be commissions to write for the stage , the bulk of Mozart 's time was taken up writing and performing instrumental works for private performances .
4 Pilots were to be Russ Boardman and Lee Gehlbach , but Boardman was injured prior to the race and Doolittle found he had no mount ( his landing gear had jammed ) , so he took over for the Thompson .
5 Their careers seem to have been mythological expressions of the need to overcome the matriarchs who founded agriculture and to whom , in time , the heroes and demi-gods were to be heirs .
6 The teams were to be specialist in focus and expert in approach and were to serve areas of 80–100,000 population .
7 Ministers also agreed guidelines for EC policy towards Latin America and Asia over the next decade ; priorities were to be development aid for the poorest population groups and economic co-operation with areas with a strong growth potential .
8 The two column leaders were to be George Jellicoe and Paddy Mayne , each with seven jeeps behind them .
9 The voting members were to be peers of first creation .
10 The new members were to be Cape Verde , Hungary , Japan , Morocco and Venezuela .
11 Its members were to be nominees of national governments : while all the states were to be represented , not more than two members could come from any one state .
12 His chief advisers were to be Edwin Meese , James Baker and Michael Deaver and Meese , as Counsellor to the President , took on the major responsibility for selecting and indoctrinating political appointees .
13 With the advent of electrics , journey times were to be halves , as well as making life easier for locomotive crews .
14 The two men were to be Michael Goldsmith — the bombardier whom I had already met — and Charles Lynch , known as Paddy , a red-haired lance-corporal of the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers .
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