Example sentences of "[noun pl] she have [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 Finally she tried to get down to some more serious work , first skimming through a book about castles she had brought with her , then sketching ruined towers , broken archways and towering keeps .
2 She carried them on to the terrace in front of the house , and sat down , intending to read one of the paperback books she 'd brought with her until the light faded .
3 In her bedroom now , sipping her whisky , she acknowledged for the first time in her life that if she had to make a list of the happy times , it would properly have to include the hours she had spent with Graham in his garden .
4 She hesitated , remembering the large rambling house she 'd grown up in and the hours she had spent with Mrs Richards , their cook and housekeeper , who lived in a self-contained flat over the double garage .
5 She felt she could no longer trust her own ideas , the disagreements she had had with Clare , Bryony and Sue must be due to her own ignorance .
6 She thought guiltily of the money she had been spending on new clothes and of the new slippers she had ordered with the amethyst decoration .
7 Cynthia Merstam watched in silence as the nurse arranged the big bunch of gladioli she had brought with her to the nursing-home .
8 She paused for a moment remembering how from her earliest days she had sat with her father in the small shed working the leather .
9 Her suitcase was still sitting on the bed , with the few clothes and belongings she had brought with her piled into it .
10 We watched with admiration as Alice our skater , now recovering from her ordeal and the fact that her son was a girl , began to unpack the beautiful Swiss lace gowns she had brought with her .
11 She leant down and started to lick out his ear , bit his lobes , started to tell him of all the things she had done with other men .
12 The irony of the situation hit her as she began preparing a meal from the provisions she 'd brought with her .
13 She compromised with one of the few dresses she 'd brought with her — a simple navy cotton in a button-through style , with short sleeves , a deep square neck and a full skirt .
14 She took another step forward , and saw the few personal items she had brought with her lying on the floor .
15 Eva already had the uniforms she had brought with her for the youth congress .
16 However , they have been widely used by Tough and by many of the teachers she has worked with and thus , from a practical point of view , they seem to have been well tried and tested by practitioners .
17 Lying in bed , Pilade still asleep in her arms , she remembered the journeys she had made with the Brownings and the pleasure the intimacy of the carriage had given her .
18 On the table before us , incongruous among the polystyrene coffee cups , were the old-fashioned cloth-bound photograph albums she 'd brought with her .
19 And she thought for a moment of little Mrs Richards , and the regrets she had lived with for fifty years .
20 Grainne blinked and shook her head , because just for a few seconds she had seen with dreadful clarity the Dark Ireland , the Evil Realm , the world of malevolence and malignancy .
21 She found she could sit at work in the Rose Bowl , her hands occupied as they were now , while in her head she relived the moments she had spent with Luke ; his hands caressing her ; his mouth on hers .
22 Here , at Sally 's instigation , were many of the things Harriet remembered and loved from her childhood and growing-up years — the rosettes she had won with her pony , her graduation dress , her old collection of Osmond and Jackson records , her early attempts at photography , proudly framed , a pressed flower that reminded her of her first proper date .
23 The room was full of mementoes of her childhood — Arthur Ransome books and with the model rubber horses she had collected with their individually dressed riders , her collections of postcards and a whole rack of old Elvis Presley records .
24 Ruth unpacked the few clothes she had brought with her and hung them up in the wardrobe in the dressing-room then she plugged in her hairdrier and blow-dried her hair in front of the dressing-table mirror .
25 Thinking now of the battles she had fought with her own children , especially her daughter , Margharita , she felt a pang of remorse over the woman she had buried a few hours earlier .
26 I could n't stop myself thinking of the nights she had spent with Harry and wanting to know how much she had enjoyed them .
27 Barbara , whose previous experiences in that line had been few but enjoyable , remembered with guilty nostalgia the handful of nights she had spent with the managing director at the Royal Albion in Brighton .
28 Many nights she had cried with loneliness when he was fast asleep beside her and risen smiling the next morning to continue the battle .
29 She , even though virgin , had imaginative ideas about what they should do , mainly picked up from conversations she 'd had with Justinette and Elice .
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