Example sentences of "[noun pl] which it [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The Ministry of the Interior , too anxious about the security implications of labour unrest to leave matters alone , experimented from 1901–03 with police-run labour organizations which it was hoped would divert working-class energy from political towards economic and cultural aims .
2 The financial forecasts assume that the University will in due course succeed in recovering from the research councils the funds which it is expected will be lost from its HEFCE grant under the DR-shift .
3 They dropped specially-adapted mines which it was hoped would , if they missed the Tirpitz , roll down the steep slopes of the fjord and still cause damage .
4 In its latter role , ‘ theory is to be judged by its predictive power for the class of phenomena which it is intended to ‘ explain ’ ' .
5 Berry , from Bramerton , Norfolk , was originally convicted in 1983 of making electronic timers for detonating bombs which it was claimed were intended for use in Syria and the Lebanon .
6 For the sake of completeness and of the bearing it may have on the method by which Step 1 is achieved , a list is given here of the products which it is hoped to manufacture by the manipulation of the output from Step 1 .
7 The exploration was pursued by statistical analysis relating the amount of manufacturing change ( the phenomenon to be explained ) to characteristics of areas which it was hypothesized might explain the change .
8 It is obviously in an uncomfortably contradictory position — squeezed between the expectations of the bureaucracies on which it relies and its political affiliation to the struggles of the mass of blacks which it is called upon to mediate , translate and sometimes police .
9 After a certain point the wants which it is intended to satisfy have to be artificially created in the first place by advertising and salesmanship .
10 and on page er eighty two the erm plaintiffs were after perhaps in matters which it is alleged the defendant should have appertained relating to the financing of this transaction , prior to exchanging contracts and the base of the claim is that as set out in the on page eighty two that the defendants should have appertained whether the plaintiffs had a defined source of funds upon terms which the plaintiffs were able to meet .
11 Peace camps were formed around some of the RAF air bases which it was thought would house the new cruise missiles .
12 The other is by controlling the way in which the executive exercises the powers which it is given .
13 However , a number of techniques which it is hoped reduced the possibility of bias in this stage of the research are described in Appendix I.
14 As I have explained in Working Paper 43 , and developed in Organizing Resources , this indexing system depends upon the initial production of " features lists " , or lists of subject headings , the subject facets which it is desired to be able to retrieve from the system .
15 Although it had become easier for some middle-class men ( or their sons ) to earn membership of the national ruling culture by Edwardian times , their status as true " gentlemen " remained equivocal in an atmosphere of continued mistrust of the business community , albeit tempered by outbreaks of anxiety over the volatility of the lower orders which it was felt the task of their middle-class superiors to defuse .
16 Another , related , charge against the players is that in their dress violations they — again like the ‘ street ’ transvestites — transgressed the natural and fixed order of things by wilfully confusing distinctions which it was thought imperative should be kept distinct , especially within the categories of rank , class , and gender .
17 BRITISH shipowners yesterday announced a voluntary code for the routing of tankers which it is hoped will prevent another Braer disaster .
18 Other sections which it is hoped to complete work in the next few years include :
19 The Plan concentrates in the main on the development of specific new initiatives which it is believed will have significant effects in achieving the Council 's casualty reduction target .
20 AN ESSEX MP yesterday urged the Prime Minister to come clean about a ‘ sensational ’ list of Government services which it is believed he would like to place in private hands .
21 I turn now to consider the arguments advanced on behalf of Woolwich in support of its right to recover the payments it made as money had and received or as having been made under duress , two grounds which it was accepted shaded into one another .
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