Example sentences of "[noun pl] or by [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A further provision of SI 274 extends the exemption to companies other than listed companies and those listed on specified exchanges , provided that the advertisement meets the general criteria , and consists of or is accompanied by the whole or any part of the body corporate 's annual accounts or by the directors ' report .
2 Existing lighting was supplied by the hazardous open flame of candles , oil lamps or by a steel mill , a method of producing sparks of light by holding a flint against a spinning steel wheel .
3 Despite the possibility of infinite variation in detail and in method , those who teach in school have to admit that realistically they will teach broadly what is required , either by employers or by the universities themselves .
4 Such national rules may have to be challenged by individuals in national courts or by the Commission before the ambit of this restriction of the ‘ general good ’ is finally resolved .
5 He posed the question whether the disadvantage of a judge speaking on matters which in one form or another — such as unfair dismissal from employment or from a trade union — might well come before him when he was on the bench was outweighed by the advantage of hearing his views or by the argument that he should not be prevented , by convention or otherwise , from speaking in Parliament on such a matter .
6 Admission to a partnership is no longer looked upon so frequently as in the past as a job for life either by the individual solicitor whose loyalty to the firm may well be strained by the availability elsewhere of fresh challenges for greater rewards or by the firm which will be reluctant to tolerate any falling off in the performance of its partners which may affect overall profit levels .
7 Another element of Pareto 's attack on classical democratic theory is in his contention that the governing elites , whether characterised by the residue of combinations or by the residue of persistence of aggregates , are motivated not by morality or reason but by these common basic sentiments which are in themselves morally unspecific and illogical .
8 They can be induced to undergo apoptosis at an even more rapid rate in vivo and in vitro by exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation or other DNA-damaging treatments , or by treatment with glucocorticoids or by a calcium ionophore in the presence of phorbol ester .
9 ‘ a police officer should be grateful if he could point to a clear cut instruction that he was only to stop a meeting if some incident at the meeting itself , whether caused by the speaker and his supporters or by the opposition present at the meeting place , led him to suppose that disorder was inevitable and could not be averted by any other means . ’
10 Seventeen richer individuals who were described as gentlemen or by the name of their profession formed only 2·2 per cent of the sample .
11 And yet this is the prior question , decided , as often as not , without reference to admissions officers , by school teachers or parents or by the lack of confidence of marginal candidates themselves " ( Ball 1985:86 ) .
12 ‘ Competitive bidding ’ includes any mode of sale whereby prospective purchasers may be enabled to compete for the purchase of articles , whether by way of increasing bids or by the offer of articles to be bid for at successively decreasing prices or otherwise . ’
13 This procedure would best suit states torn by civil strife which is fuelled by the support of the superpowers ( or China ) for rival political or military factions or by the involvement of superpower ‘ proxy ’ forces .
14 What makes it more meaningful is that any such authority , whether given in the articles or by a resolution , must state the maximum number of securities which can be issued under it and the date at which the authority will expire .
15 If the directors are authorised generally they may also be given power , by the articles or by the resolution , to allot equity securities as if section 89(1) did not apply or applied with such modifications as the directors determined .
16 Global ozone depletion by CFCs may be offset in part by natural effects or by the effects of other pollutants .
17 It supposes that this practice will serve the community better-bring it closer to what really is a fair and just and happy society — than any alternative program that demands consistency with decisions already made by other judges or by the legislature .
18 Nevertheless , it has been held that the initial approval of the company is required to the proposed scheme and that the court has no jurisdiction to sanction a scheme without that approval , which may be given either by the board of directors or by the company by an ordinary resolution in general meeting ( Re Savoy Hotel Limited [ 1981 ] 3 All ER 646 ) .
19 Proposal not supported by target company The court will not call a meeting if the proposal is not supported by the target company , either through its board of directors or by the company in general meeting ( see Re Savoy Hotel Ltd , para 2.4.5 above ) .
20 ‘ Damage to property , land or buildings caused by vibration , excavation , removal or weakening of supports or by the weight of any machine and/or the load carried ’ .
21 " … Without prejudice to other subjects raised by governments or by the Commission … the European Council asks the conference to give particular attention to the following :
22 they may be tackled by individuals or by a group ;
23 There are various procedural requirements applicable to a reduction in the standard number , including a duty of the proposer to publish details of the proposals and to refer the proposals to the Secretary of State if objections to them are raised by 10 or more local government electors or by the LEA or governors ( whichever of them is not the admissions authority ) .
24 The work of the committees of the council is always the subject of report to the council in some form , either as a report of what the committee has done under delegated powers or by the submission for the approval of the council of the recommendations of the committee .
25 Perhaps by analogy with this he began to see that animal species too are in a state of dynamic equilibrium with one another and with the environment , an equilibrium that can easily be disturbed by geological changes or by the immigration of new species into the area .
26 Calcutta 's police chief , Tushar Talukdar , said forensic scientists would decide whether the explosion , which ripped through the buildings shortly after midnight , had been caused by careless handling of a cache of explosives or by a bomb .
27 The relevant income has a foreign source and is never remitted to the United Kingdom either by the trustees or by the taxpayer .
28 The figures should give an indication of the importance which SCOTVEC places on ensuring that centres are properly equipped to tackle the demands of delivering and assessing National Certificate modules : such careful validation of centres — whether by a SCOTVEC team in the case of private centres or by the Director of Education in the case of authority centres — is an important element of the National Certificate 's quality assurance system .
29 Some bureaux have been invited in by the probation or education departments or by the prison governor .
30 In some cases choice is governed by teachers or by the exam paper .
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