Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [verb] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is worth noting that of the course proposals which fell at this hurdle most were of a very high standard .
2 A 1987 study by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys which looked at all nuclear installations in England and Wales had identified an increased incidence of the illness round those sites built before 1955 .
3 The Wolds , a remand centre at Brough , North Humberside , is far removed from the insanitary conditions which prevail at many jails .
4 These strategies included the formation of complex households , containing several nuclear family units , as a response to the severe economic pressures which prevailed at that time ( Anderson , 1980 , pp. 77–8 ) .
5 But there is Company Standing Training Committee , which comprises people from divisions which looks at those issues , run by Jenny .
6 Two separate tests which looked at such general knowledge were constructed .
7 The spectacle of young people deferring to others and flagrantly performing small selfless acts of charity in the local area leaves a very bad taste in the mouth and gives an entirely distorted view of the standards which obtain at this school .
8 Meanwhile , we may go back to the situation in 1072 , and begin with some words of Lanfranc which provide the main evidence for the documents which existed at this date .
9 The aim of the exercise , then , is to hypothesise a set of syntactic stages through which children pass in their progress towards the adult language , and to classify the structures and categories which operate at each stage , thus providing a syntactic profile chart of development .
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