Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [verb] just [been] " in BNC.

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1 The shelter sees many dogs which have just been dumped on Dartmoor — a favourite spot for ‘ losing ’ pets , as the wilderness has few witnesses .
2 This was carried out by Sachs ( 1967 ) and it compared recall of sentences which had just been heard with recall of sentences which had been heard earlier in a passage .
3 The psychological developments which have just been discussed were the consequences of a traumatic loss , that of the primal mother , and were responses to it .
4 This was the journal Jewry Ueber Alles which had just been published in February 1920 , and had altered its name to The Hidden Hand in September 1920 and to the British Guardian in May 1924 .
5 The budgets which have just been prepared show that we are aiming to do even better in 1991 and the managing director 's reports on page 2 endorse this optimistic approach .
6 The emphasis at this committee is on records which have just been released , or which are about to be released .
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