Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 These areas retained the nineteenth-century characteristics which had already focused the reformers ' minds : they were tight-knit , high-density , congested , smoky , dirty and they presented a scene of old and obsolete buildings .
2 We have noted the importance in Germany of the works council as a bargaining mechanism and there are numerous characteristics which have also distinguished collective bargaining in France .
3 In generative phonology , a results from vowel reduction in vowels which have never received stress in the process of the application of stress rules .
4 In September he was elected chairman of a new National Co-ordinating Commission of Solidarity , set up by representatives of the regional organizations which had recently come into being .
5 On Aug. 23 seven of the 12 political organizations which had initially supported Pascal-Trouillot 's appointment declared their support for the Council of State and demanded the postponement of the elections until such time as the safety of voters could be guaranteed .
6 In future SCOTVEC will recognise as ‘ National Awards ’ particular groups of modules or units which have nationally recognised vocational relevance which should also facilitate mutual recognition . ’
7 The Mathematics and Science Working Parties which have already reported require programmes of learning to be based explicitly on practical experience so that students develop a deeper understanding of the technological society in which they will live and work .
8 Nevertheless , much repeal work still displayed the ambiguities which had always marked middle-class women 's participation in the domain of social reform .
9 It followed from this that real international peace could be attained only through far-reaching political reform within the European States and the weakening or destruction of the monarchical , aristocratic and military influences which had hitherto dominated them .
10 As a matter of course , nothing had suited Milosevic better than images which had already existed in the past .
11 The Bill is based on proposals in the Education White Paper Choice and Diversity , published in June which , according to Mr Patten , builds on the success achieved by schools which have already opted out .
12 It is only those schools that have been predominantly academic , and independent schools which have seldom tangled with CSE or Mode 3 levels that may find it new .
13 There is a whole slew of heavyweight biographies on the shelves , too , each of which has divulged sex secrets about their subjects which have subsequently made the front pages .
14 Searle was not the only person at this time to conclude that since the Lefevre Gallery had told Minton ‘ Moons are out ’ , he had been searching round for new solutions which visits abroad solved only temporarily .
15 It was the legacy of the previous form of uneven development based in the sectoral spatial division of labour ( high levels of unemployment from previously dominant sectors which had overwhelmingly employed men ) which provided the conditions ( regional policy grants , a ‘ green ’ , female labour force anxious for paid employment ) which attracted in this new form of economic activity and laid down a new form of uneven development .
16 For any moment of weakness in the fortunes of a great house — the minority of William the Conqueror , the early years of Fulk le Réchin — provided the perfect opportunity for castellans to establish their hereditary rights , or to exercise for their own benefit prerogatives which had hitherto brought profit to the princes .
17 When she felt she could not naturally stand by the window any longer she went and inspected the gritty old review copies of books which had somehow collected over the years on the office shelves — Take Your Car to North Africa !
18 This restrained aloofness has had its drawbacks : it has given the bellicose idealists of the Left freedom to ride roughshod with impunity over institutions which have hitherto maintained our nation as civilised and admirable .
19 phenomena which have only arisen in the period of advanced capitalism in which the state has intervened directly both in the organization of production and in consumption .
20 study bearing directly on memory for events at the tactical level , ‘ waking up ’ with no recollection of the previous road , however , is a rather more striking possibility and appears to be related to phenomena which have recently attracted interest in the literature on the psychology of driving .
21 Sir I will take this on board , but I think it comes rather badly from an authority in fact both authorities which have so shown so many confusing changes of mind about this area in the whole process since the first plan was issued , that the er details of the consideration by one of the constituent bodies of this erm objection er should be er examined er in such detail .
22 Fitzpatrick , an All Black hooker of Irish stock , has a small problem with a few misshapen teeth which had inadvertently got enwrapped around an Irishman 's knuckles in the course of the first encounter .
23 The states which made it up can be classified in several ways , but there is much to be said for distinguishing European states which had already existed in 1815 from those which had come into existence later .
24 If the sectoral approach and spillover were to achieve any great potential , they could only do so on a more limited front — that is , by the six states which had already agreed to the supranational principle by forming the ECSC .
25 This approach is only worth attempting if full ab initio methods are used , as semi-empirical methods such as CNDO , INDO and MNDO are incapable of dealing with ions in states which have incompletely filled core orbitals .
26 She looked with horror at the fingers which had cruelly raked Bill Yardley 's face , and heard her own voice uttering words not even fit to be heard in the alleys .
27 In those forms which have always depended on group production , there is not only a contrast with these basically individual uses of the immediate means of production , but , just as crucially , a range of developing relationships , many directly related to changes in the means of production , which amount , finally , to a further qualitative distinction .
28 Interestingly , homosexuality has hardly ever been rehabilitated as a positive difference within and by those heterosexual discourses which have hitherto constructed it as negative other .
29 Remember that cases which have apparently recovered , can remain as carriers for a considerable time and can only be detected by laboratory isolation from nasal swabs .
30 Other cases which have consistently championed the object and intent approach are Mills v Dunham [ 1891 ] 1 Ch 576 , Moenich v Fenestre ( 1892 ) 61 LJ Ch 737 , Underwood ( E ) & Son Ltd v Barker [ 1899 ] 1 Ch 300 , Haynes v Doman [ 1899 ] 2 Ch 13 , and Caribonum Co Ltd v Le Couch ( 1913 ) 109 LT 385 in which Eve J used the object and intent approach in order to construe a business secrets clause .
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