Example sentences of "[noun pl] or because [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Darwin realized that many secondary sexual differences were a consequence of the greater intensity of competition between males for access to mates and that many traits were more highly developed in males either because they conferred an advantage in fights or because they rendered their possessor more attractive to females .
2 Other fluids are sometimes used because they give better values of the governing parameters or because they have properties particularly appropriate to an experiment .
3 Clearly compensation for people on low incomes is to be aimed only at those on income support , even though many disabled people have extra heating costs associated with their disability , and many others on low incomes , such as pensioners , may narrowly miss out because of small savings or because they do not qualify for means-tested benefits , but still live at income support level .
4 Some fungus is used as food for the Night Goblins and their strange animals , but many are grown for their hallucinogenic or intoxicating properties or because they affect the Goblin metabolism in some other way .
5 Often , people who hesitate to come into the world of education — perhaps because English is not their first language , because education has not been highlighted as important in their households or because they missed an opportunity earlier in life — can come into adult education , not necessarily taking vocational courses in the first instance , but going on to take such courses , which provide them with the training and self-assurance they need .
6 When the public respond to your advertisements or because they have heard that you do personal injury work , it is not enough just to tell them that you do and expect them to come into the office .
7 Education , for example , benefits those who receive it because it enhances their employment prospects or because they enjoy studying , but it is also held to yield external benefits in producing a socialized , literate and informed citizenry .
8 Undoubtedly there were men who made substantial fortunes , but there is not sufficient evidence to say whether they were exceptional merely in the scale of their gains or because they contrived to prosper when others failed .
9 Fleas , ticks , and spiders of various Kinds are associated with disease either directly as a result of their bites or because they act as vectors of infections such as typhus and the relapsing fevers .
10 First , women do not derive their identity and self-esteem from paid work in the same way men do ( either because they do not have paid jobs or because they regard these as less important than their role in the family ) .
11 Conversely , a long period may restrict the purchaser should he wish to make changes to the vendor management team ( either because they do not live up to first impressions or because he wishes to promote them within the enlarged group ) .
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