Example sentences of "[noun pl] with [noun] [subord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The concept is defined more strongly by criteria derived from developmental psychology and from concerns with socialization than by institutional considerations ( schools as the ‘ seat ’ of education ) .
2 Or to use another of Mr Airlie 's sayings : ‘ You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar ’ .
3 In the current discussions with Stevie as to how much of that vintage stuff will be on the CD , if we reach a balance and I do n't think there 's enough , hopefully it will be on an additional CD somewhere down the line .
4 People do not usually alter their feelings , their behaviour or their interactions with others because of a particular situation , or the presence of the counsellor .
5 But we we still always get problems with drains because of the the state of the yard and what materials we 've got in the yard .
6 If change comes ( and if it does , it will be mild ) it will be driven more by the problems with Tokyo than by the aspirations of Osaka .
7 advertisements often included the networks with values whilst in more detail , they were given in 1957 by W. H. Livy of E.M.I .
8 Croatia officially severed relations with Yugoslavia as of Oct. 8 , in a move designed to identify the JNA as an invading force and to make Yugoslav law null and void on Croatian territory .
9 Gall bladder emptying was restored to eight of 10 patients managed with an acutely inflamed gall bladder and to 11 of 13 patients with non-function because of a stone impacted in Hartmann 's pouch ( Table II ) .
10 They argue that the same rigour should be applied to the study of older patients with cancer as for younger - ‘ only then will we see strikingly reduced population mortality and improved quality of life for older patients with cancer . ’
11 These figures suggest that M tuberculosis DNA is detected as readily in patients with sarcoidosis as in patients with frankly tuberculous tissues and imply that M tuberculosis may be linked to the cause of sarcoidosis .
12 Using radiotelemetry equipment , Valori et al observed that motility of the small bowel was altered in a different manner in patients with IBS than in controls .
13 Furthermore , despite the proven efficacy of warfarin in primary stroke prevention , physicians remain reluctant to prescribe oral anticoagulants for their older patients with AF because of fears about haemorrhagic complications and understandable concerns about drug compliance in elderly outpatients .
14 Anna Coombes realised that the growing of healthy plants is much less a question of eliminating pests and diseases with chemicals than of providing optimum conditions for growth .
15 The household of Henry I of England had even closer links with France than with Germany .
16 In 1935 Uruguay acceded to Brazilian pressure to break links with Moscow because of allegations , apparently not unfounded , that the Soviet trading office in Montevideo had been used as a conduit for funds to the Brazilian insurgents .
17 Baker immediately praised Assad 's response as positive , saying that it had demonstrated that Syria was now more willing to enter direct peace talks with Israel than at any time in the past .
18 The research programme is intended to provide local practices with guidance as to how best to improve their marketing of services and products to the agricultural sector .
19 Farther south , the Andean civilisation had more similarities with Mesopotamia than with China ; so the idea that its shaping influence came from across the Pacific seems especially far-fetched .
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