Example sentences of "[noun pl] with [pos pn] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 I watch it stand on its hind legs with its snout on the worktop .
2 So as often as could be managed I went for trips with my father on the trams .
3 There 's loads of shops with their lights on and traffic and people hurrying along the pavement .
4 They should be doing that work , if they 're asking us to design a remit , price it and then they 're using that remit to get prices from other people , er I would suggest that , that we perhaps ought to have words with our clients on that basis a and say we 're quite happy to tender in competition but erm i you ought to give it a little bit of thought before you actually put the thing .
6 In 1828 Hickman appealed to Charles X , king of France , for the collaboration of the king 's medical schools with his experiments on insensibility produced by ‘ introduction of certain gases into the lungs ’ , which were ridiculed by the A.Académie de Médecine .
7 Indeed , after our second stop in Bombay a few passengers gratefully chose the option of being one-armed , one-legged , one-eyed , two-headed beggars rather than having to return to their seatettes and fly somewhere for a few months with their hands on their heads .
8 He looked down at Willie , who was making shapes with his finger on the misted window .
9 Just at that moment , the cats all leapt to their feet with their fur on end and looked in the direction of the door .
10 A group of teenagers with two team leaders were to survive the rigours of a difficult climate while trekking through remote jungle and mountain areas with their possessions on their back and only their fellow expedition members to rely on .
11 He refers to the lithographed drawings as ‘ engravings ’ , and he used many short lines like an engraver scratching on copper ; pioneers are often conservative , and it was left to Edward Lear in his superb volume on parrots ( 1832 ) to exploit lithography , using bold flowing lines with his crayon on the stone .
12 These three members of the Procellariidae family have one thing in common : they are all ‘ night birds ’ , only coming in to the screes and grassy slopes of the cliffs under cover of darkness to change places with their mate on the single egg , deep within a burrow , or later to feed the young .
13 SWINGING IN THE PAIN : The super-fit American Gladiators get to grips with their challengers on the rings and in the Duel
14 His Future of Socialism in 1956 had provided a point of reference for the party , and progressives throughout the nation , over the past twenty years with its emphasis on social equality rather on public ownership as the instrument of change .
15 Baroness Blatch , minister of state in the Department for Education , announced that the government had agreed to withdraw its proposal and that she would seek discussions with its critics on a more acceptable formulation of the secretary of state 's responsibilities .
16 The nature of those policies with their emphases on private sector developments , home ownership and small businesses , suggests that in part at least the Government is seeking to produce electoral change by introducing traditional Conservative supporters to areas where the party has been very weak — as , for example , in many of the residential developments in London 's Docklands .
17 It was with the new strength born of unity then that the Edinburgh Typographical Society presented the employers with its memorial on women workers in November 1909 .
18 It works less well on British maps with their dependence on contours though interesting results were obtained by Hollingworth ( 1938 ) .
19 He always had a deep interest in siege engines and the construction of scale working models of these machines ; one of the memorable events of the Chateau Gaillard conference at Durham University was witnessing David 's experiments with his machines on the campus lawns , using marbles for ammunition .
20 So we 're not proposing that you turn off the mainframe on Friday and turn on your Unix or open systems machines with your database on it on Monday .
21 ‘ Well , I 'm off now , ’ she yelled and glared round at the neighbours with her finger on her nose .
22 And I would say it 's on highways with your traffic on the access and on parking , and added that to the list , I did n't say that in the first instant .
23 No anxious mums watching the clock , no tearaway teachers in a hurry , no fractious dinner ladies with their minds on lumpy custard .
24 ‘ But we got a national emergency on our hands with your name on it . ’
25 I do n't feel that music is the most appropriate forum for social change because frankly I do n't think my opinions are valid for everyone , so I would n't want my opinions echoed by hundreds of thousands of people buying T-shirts with my name on them .
26 Hall does , indeed , seem to he touching on some very important issues with his insistence on a relatively separate sphere of discourse and communication .
27 Each of the Ministers with their hands on the levers of Whitehall power on the issue : the Lord President ( Morrison ) , the Lord Chancellor ( Jowitt ) , the Home Secretary ( Ede ) , and the Scottish Secretary ( Woodburn ) , was numbered among the majority .
28 The street lamps were already lit , and a few cars crawled through the rough-mirror streets with their lights on and their wipers flapping to and fro .
29 No one had the foresight to tell Charlie Nicholas , the young Glaswegian in a white leather suit , about a species infinitely more troublesome than rent-boy racketeers : cockney football agents with their eye on the main chance .
30 The company , which is developing the Paisley and Braehead shopping centres , said falling property values was responsible , but it was now in talks with its banks on renegotiating its outstanding loans .
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