Example sentences of "[noun pl] that he [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 During his tours of the Middle and Far East Duncan Sandys was made well aware by British Governors , High Commissioners and Commanders-in-Chief of the political and military risks that he was taking ; and local political leaders , like the Tunku Abdul Rahman in Malaya and Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore , warned him of the dangers of creating power vacuums that could be exploited by the Communist powers .
2 She could see in his eyes that he was thinking the same , as in a flat tone he told her , ‘ Point taken .
3 His trip here was a homecoming , and there were times when I could see in his eyes that he was reliving his first memories .
4 ‘ Normally , when I hit anybody with that punch they do n't get up , but as Ruddock was getting to his feet I just kept watching him and I could tell by his eyes that he was hurting bad .
5 I could see in his eyes that he was wondering why he had been advised to consult such a lunatic .
6 The central figure Source A whose ‘ evidence ’ Channel 4 relied on to make their programme has already admitted to RUC detectives and journalists that he was coached to read a script containing the allegations before Channel 4 cameras in a London flat .
7 Klaus denied accusations by opposition parties that he was copying Poland 's " shock therapy " , and that he was deliberately using inflation to soak up excess purchasing power .
8 Jezrael leant lower over him , straining to hear the words that he was straining to tell .
9 And there it was , in the late nineties , he was adding up his pence and his shillings and the odd pound or two here and there , these were his costs of making the pictures that he was making in those days , and then when you turned over and we came to nineteen hundred , nineteen hundred and one , nineteen hundred and two , erm the figures had broadened and under the pounds into three figures and then into four .
10 Despite Bob 's protestations that he was staying in the Presidential Suite , was trying to avoid fans , and was actually the ‘ BAWB DYLAN ’ , the callow youth grabbed him by the scruff of his ketchup-stained hooded to and sneered , ‘ Oh yeah , and I 'm the Prime Minister Of Ireland , so I am ’ .
11 I had no doubts that he was going to pick up the package .
12 She could just see by the light of the wrought-iron lamps that he was wearing a shirt with frilled sleeves , and that his hair fell about his face .
13 Dr Les Atkinson , vice-president of the chamber and chairman of BP Shipping , forecast : ‘ Any shipowner who disregards this guidance and causes a pollution incident is going to have an impossible task establishing in the courts that he was operating his vessels in a prudent and competent manner . ’
14 For weeks he would live in a world by himself conscious as he watched the humdrum routine of his fellow prisoners that he was destined for higher things and happy in the knowledge that he was not as other men .
15 Mr Lamont said in The Times that he was forced to leave a meeting with Jacques Delors in Brussels last Friday ‘ to answer questions about whether I had bought a bottle of wine in Paddington ’ .
16 But there were other times that he was whipped while standing up .
17 But there were other times that he was whipped while standing up .
18 The medical reports showed that the appellant was not subject to a definable mental illness , but was disturbed ; there were however signs that he was maturing and that with appropriate treatment he should overcome his difficulties and achieve an increase in maturity and a more balanced outlook on life .
19 Coming from a background like that , I think those views would make a Charismatic social worker highly sympathetic to the views that he was receiving through the professional channels of the social services . ’
20 But secretly he loved the idea , and it gave him a great kick to tell his friends and business acquaintances that he was supporting his son on the amateur golf circuit .
21 He spent some time actually living as a boarder in houses in the areas that he was studying , and making detailed studies of particular families .
22 And go home after the programme with a brown suitcase crammed with Eccles cakes that he was taking back with him .
23 And go home after the programme with a brown suitcase crammed with Eccles cakes that he was taking back with him .
24 I accept that it has taken a few years for the process to be completed , but everyone who studies the history books will be able to trace the downfall of the Thatcher Government — as some may still call it — to the time when she was foolish enough to remove the right hon. Gentleman from the duties that he was carrying out so successfully .
25 Mueller had simply used his privileged position to advise the General Directors that he was operating on the instructions of the President .
26 Goodwill had been encouraged by reciprocal representation on validation visits , but there was still strong opposition when Kerr accepted an invitation to meet the NCDAD at its premises at Park Crescent — having been warned by some polytechnic directors that he was going into the lion 's den and would be devoured .
27 It was however during his years as The Guardian 's cricket correspondent in the mid-1980s that he was crowned Granada 's Sports Writer of the Year .
28 Len Hatch looked up from the tall tomato plants that he was tending , then looked back to what he was doing .
29 It was won because Labour was the party of high taxation , because the Conservative Party presented an alternative , and because most electors neither admired Mr Kinnock nor believed that he could deliver the promises that he was making .
30 It was the first time in fourteen years that he was travelling alone , his best friend having died of pneumonia only weeks before .
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