Example sentences of "[noun pl] that i think [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One of Crossman 's cardinal convictions was that Britain was run not as a democracy but as an oligarchy — and that view of his was perhaps partially reflected in my own youthful outburst against the essentially incestuous relationship between politicians and journalists that I thought I had discovered even within the people 's party .
2 I would say to other pregnant teenagers that I think it 's great if they are happy about it .
3 ‘ I 've got so many pictures that I thought I 'd have a clear out ’ , she explains , surrounded by the sale items which represent months of hard work .
4 ‘ I 've got so many pictures that I thought I 'd have a clear out ’ , she explains , surrounded by the sale items which represent months of hard work .
5 I started off the way I write every album — wrote a couple of songs , got a feel for the music and called up the musicians that I thought I could do the songs with .
6 Asked how personal development had been affected , responses reveal improvements in self-confidence , social skills and aspirations : ‘ it has given me extra confidence to speak at meetings , e.g. community council , community association meetings ’ ; ‘ it has brought out skills I never new I had ’ ; ‘ I have learned to work closer with people since I joined , which is a new experience for me , and become more tolerant of people 's attitudes and ways ’ ; ‘ I am more aware of my own attitude towards my group ’ ; ‘ it has given me more confidence in my own ability to learn new skills ’ ; ‘ made me do things that I thought I was not capable of doing ’ .
7 It has made me question every aspect of my teaching , including things that I thought I was doing well !
8 right , well that 's the sort of things that I think we want to find out and in slower time I was actually going to ring the yeah at Telford and say speak to me about this and maybe pop in one morning on my way into town and just say this is the idea how does it grab you and if they say you 're not on fine , but it 's things like that that I think we want to explore .
9 But they have to call in a vet from time to time , and it 's with those farmers that I think you 'll have most success , just so long as you keep your charges low . ’
10 It is in the pages of these magazines that I think we can see most clearly how editorial policy , whether it is conscious or unconscious on the part of the editors , operates .
11 In the same way , we can point to every single course _there have been people who are highly qualified , excellent youngsters — and that is where I fear that the universities are not always given the opportunity to get these talented children in the numbers that I think they deserve .
12 I will want to come back on the same point that 's just been made , but if before I get to that there are some other points that I think I should make in explanation of the lead we have given , if I may call it that , in putting forward the distribution of the Greater York total .
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