Example sentences of "[noun pl] that it is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He has dismissed warnings from the Office of Fine Arts that it is forbidden to deal in State property , quoting the former assistant secretary of state L. de Graaff , who in 1984 stated that the artists were free to do with these works as they wished .
2 It has drawn up a list of some 30 technical consultants , with interests ranging from marine science to energy , which the bank will call in for advice on esoteric projects that it is asked to fund .
3 This is the figure mentioned as so resembling the copies of the Tyrannicides that it is known as the Kritian boy .
4 Pictures are taken at several ( eight ) different exposure levels and each point is weighted according to the number of times that it is seen .
5 And though the industry is young , there are signs that it is moving tentatively towards the notion of performance league tables for venture capital fund managers .
6 The signs that it is doing so are around you in ways which were unimaginable before prices were ‘ liberalised ’ two years ago .
7 It 's a challenging objective and there is general recognition among the senior administrators that it is going to take a tremendous effort , one that is both concerted and coordinated , for Canada to qualify for the 1995 quarter-finals .
8 The conspiracy theory of racism makes sense of a particular social reality : it is because the police force , which is supposed to uphold justice and protect ethnic minorities from racist attacks , is itself responsible for so much of the violence and injustice suffered by black communities that it is experienced as being part of the same oppressive system as the gang of white unemployed youth who are beating up people on the street .
9 I say may be , because cask-conditioned beer is being reinstated so fast in so many pubs that it is becoming almost impossible to keep up with the total .
10 Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp says the Freedom 1000 and 3000 3D graphics accelerators that it is to sell on Sun Microsystems Inc platforms ( UX No 407 ) , have been designed as processor-independent units which could well end up on other CPU architectures in future , though none were mentioned specifically .
11 Sun Microsystems Inc will be building its next-generation workstations and servers out of a family of 64-bit multiprocessor chips that it is designing called UltraSparc , and the chips should take Sun machines close to the end of the decade .
12 Notices may be entered on the Register of Title to protect a wide variety of interests — for example , an estate contract , a grant of easements over registered land , a lease or agreement for a lease which is not an overriding interest , and many other matters that it is desired shall come to the notice of all persons dealing with the land .
13 It is not , in my judgment , a valid objection to the S.I.B . 's pleaded case that these defendants have not themselves received any of the money of the investors that it is proposed that they should be ordered to repay .
14 For the more depressed and lonely people who have few if any outside contacts , counselling can appear to deepen the very feelings that it is seeking to alleviate , especially in the early stages .
15 Allied dipped early on fears that it is planning a £200 million cash call and ended the day 2p down at 543p .
16 contribution , the havoc that it is causing in terms of non-collection rates and the administrative difficulties that it is causing in magistrates courts ?
17 In view of Leicester Energy Limited 's continued interest in the establishment of a combined heat and power scheme in Leicester , will the Minister give his wholehearted support and instruct his officials to give their wholehearted co-operation to Leicester Energy Limited in the tremendous efforts that it is making to promote that scheme ?
18 I must advise the Minister that that is not what the construction industry is saying to others about the problems that it is facing .
19 ‘ It is no longer enough merely to acknowledge the facts … and to hope that science will solve by itself the problems that it is creating .
20 Whole companies depend on the computer networks that it is designed to control .
21 And the Bank is pushing the options in such quantities that it is keeping their price lower than it should be .
22 This is clear evidence that religious output , despite some criticisms of its style and approach , is by no means the anathema for viewers that it is supposed from the purely commercial viewpoint of some broadcasters .
23 Sun Alliance has given notice to National Home Loans that it is cancelling its payment protection scheme at the end of the month .
24 Thus , radical reform restructures rape offences in ways that it is hoped will facilitate the prosecution process without jeopardising the interests of the accused .
25 But the feeble efforts by the Yugoslav army to shake off mounting charges that it is backing Serbian militias in the conflict in Bosnia ended abruptly with the sharp crackle of Serbian sniper fire which sent the entire delegation diving for cover .
26 However , the widely-perceived reluctance of the Government to raise base rates again has encouraged expectations in financial markets that it is seeking alternative monetary policies .
27 Some of those who accept the existence of a middle class believe that it is divided into many different strata ; others that it is divided , but only into two main groupings .
28 It is particularly vulnerable to claims that it is acting abusively in a particular market , and must avoid discriminating between its competitors or using its market dominance in a manner which can be construed as unfair or intended to eliminate a competitor or competition .
29 This ability to tolerate the heat has encouraged imaginative claims that it is linked with Indian cattle brought to southwest England on Indian trading boats long , long ago , and others suggest a link with the Salers of France .
30 Now , clearly , in many circumstances where the property of an adjective matches a speaker 's perception , it may not need to be assigned — i.e. stated explicitly to be valid for the entity concerned — on the grounds that it is felt to be a characteristic sufficiently basic to the entity not to need assignment , as opposed to being called upon as an initial qualifying and identifying element .
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