Example sentences of "[noun pl] that it [was/were] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 What is clear is that the Prison Service had failed to persuade these prisoners that it was treating them fairly ’ ( para 9.25 ) .
2 I was filled with a dry sadness , a mixture of remembering and knowing ; remembering what was and what might have been and knowing it was all past ; at the same time knowing , or beginning to know , that other things were happily past — at least some of my illusions about myself , and then the syphilis , for there were no signs that it was going to come back .
3 About 5 o'clock on the morning of 8th October , 1835 , he was one of a group of men working underground when the rock above them began to ‘ groan and grumble ’ , indicating to the experienced miners that it was settling and about to fall on top of them .
4 India did not want the textbooks that it was exporting to Southeast Asia and Africa to be pirated , and it wanted to ensure a market for its own emerging computer and pharmaceutical industries .
5 I remember him telling one man that had been late three times in fifteen years that it was getting to be a habit : ‘ You 'd better look for your previous employment . ’
6 And Hayling had told him to tone down the politics to smooth away advertisers ' fears that it was going to be a Commie rag .
7 There are people that we are redirecting , we were re redirecting from Demontfort House at one time , it was denied denied by by officers that it was happening .
8 Not many other people take it , either , but we could all read in our own newspapers that it was supporting Labour , and I should have thought a normal reaction among honest Britons , who have grown to mistrust businessmen in the age of takeovers , would be to do the opposite .
9 Chester city councillor , Christine Russell , has slammed the Government after reports that it was planning to abandon laws governing safety in bedsits .
10 This happened despite the government 's claims that it was injecting market discipline into the private sector by not ‘ bailing out lame ducks ’ .
11 But the Chinese embassy in Oslo , where the prize is awarded , reacted with accusations that it was meddling in China 's internal affairs , the stock response to any foreign commentary deemed hostile to China 's rule of Tibet .
12 The issue had been brought into focus last September , when GATT condemned a US ban on the import from Mexico of drift-netted tuna , imposed on the grounds that it was leading to the deaths of dolphins and other marine mammals .
13 With several censure motions still to be debated , the ox walk was abandoned on the grounds that it was placing an undue strain on the health of older legislators , and was undermining the SDPJ 's image among the electorate .
14 There were even rumours that it was going to go straight through the middle of Henry s house , a thought that , somewhat to his surprise , filled him with savage pleasure .
15 Software602 , the Czech Republic 's largest packaged software vendor , announced it has shelved plans to prosecute a group of Czech teenagers that it alleged had illegally copied software packages belonging to it after the Business Software Alliance refuted the company 's assertions that it was backing the case .
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