Example sentences of "[noun pl] that have [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 Chesarynth washed , stuffed her torn and dirty hospital gown into the recycling chute and stole another , even brushed her hair ( she checked again ; no tower growing through her skull yet ) and then had to find a place to hide the dead leaves and twigs that had cascaded from the tangles .
2 In addition to the Pahlavi rugs , Persia produces workshop items in styles that have evolved from those made during the Qajar dynasty ( which ended in the 19th century ) , and there are also numerous village and nomadic groups who , allowing for some minor modifications to the market , still make rugs that have hardly changed for generations .
3 Visiting local bookshops at random , I came across more and more books that had come from libraries .
4 However , the handover of powers brought the institutions that had evolved from the old workhouses into the hands of authorities that could more effectively bring them up to date .
5 Also it has been the larger institutions that have benefited from low dealing commissions since the ‘ big bang ’ in October 1987 .
6 The Doctor was spring cleaning her mind , dusting the mantelpiece of her memory and righting the cracked ornaments that had fallen from it .
7 The strategies behind the claims were procedural : Egypt wanted United Nations Charter , Article 27 ( 3 ) to be applied , to prevent those States that had protested from voting on the matter before the Security Council , while the United Kingdom wished to preserve the bilateral nature of the dispute and its own procedural rights .
8 They were all the thwarted ambitions , evil intentions , bitter memories , crushed hopes and suppressed lusts that had emanated from human hearts since life began , and which now invisibly thronged the air .
9 Insurance companies are warning that premiums on property in areas that have suffered from severe storms in recent years are rising because of global warming fears .
10 The managers are part of a growing army of health service administrators that has expanded from 700 to 13,200 in the past five years .
11 Louis 's aim was twofold : first , to cope with the tensions that had arisen from the implementation of ecclesiastical reforms , for instance by sending out missi to settle disputes between clergy and laymen over the appropriation of tithes ; and second , to tighten control of local government , for instance , by asking missi to draw up lists of all those liable for military service in each county .
12 This remains an unanswered question until such organisms are released and monitored but it does require a cautious and controlled approach if lessons are to be learnt from the often detrimental effects that have accrued from the introduction of organisms into non-indigenous environments as biological controls or as inadvertent introductions .
13 Westerners are beginning to do some cautious bargain-hunting among blue chips that have fallen from the three-figure earnings multiples of the 1980s to more reasonable ratings .
14 For example , Gage ( 1989 ) has discussed some of the medical applications that have resulted from this type of work , notably the production of interferon which is a potential anti-viral and anti-cancer agent that until recently was only available in very small quantities by extracting it directly from human cells .
15 On Sotheby 's activities in Berlin he was candid about the difficulties experienced by this ‘ very interesting experiment ’ so far but felt that the company could build on the pool of new private ( West ) German buyers that had emerged from the sales .
16 The tyres squealed as they braked , the concrete smooth as skin and slick with fluids that had bled from other cars .
17 Erm it also means that in the case of tapes that have come from your parents you 're more likely to know one or two of the speakers and therefore have a less difficult time sorting out which one of these twelve
18 to other things , we 've kind of veered of the , one of the subjects that we were er , we did get onto which was how the police and the courts er handle er well victims and indeed criminals , I wonder if I might conflate erm both those groups into one question , its a very broad question , but I wonder if you think by and large the police do a good job , erm button one for yes and button two for no , erm and the majority here say yes , seventy seventy people say yes the , the police do a good job and since we 've talked about the courts do you think the courts do a good job by and large ? , we 've been talking specifically about erm some of the more bizarre erm statements that have come from the bench , particularly in with reference to crimes erm , that have treated against women , well now , seventy nine say no , so the police comes thumbs up , but the courts are way down , now not surprisingly there are n't many representatives from the courts er amongst this hundred
19 And then , almost overnight , energised and full of enthusiasm for the ideas that had emerged from our long discussions of the research evidence ’ .
20 Details of the experiments themselves do not concern us here , but some of the ideas that have emerged from them are of interest because they add further to our understanding of how , looked at from a biological perspective , creativity can be connected to psychosis .
21 To date , there have been many projects and ideas that have benefited from CIRE funding .
22 Their so-called furnished accommodation had consisted of two old beds that had come from a second-hand shop , a brokendown settee , and a gas cooker that had probably been used all through the war .
23 There were people everywhere , swarming on the harbourside to watch the brightly lit and decorated boats that had appeared from nowhere and the rockets soaring into the warm night air .
24 It was one of the things that had disappeared from Renascia towards the end and it gave Fenella an odd , rather out-of-balance feeling to see dawn light again .
25 Also of use in old bums that do not resolve and if there are any ill effects of burns — other conditions that have developed from the burn itself or coincided with the burn though not apparently directly connected with it .
26 A British researcher , Tom Wigley of the University of East Anglia , has also reported that sulphur clouds may have " significantly offset the temperature changes that have resulted from the greenhouse effect " .
27 When so much attention is paid to the vast power of multinational companies , it is perhaps wise to think of the numbers of international names that have disappeared from the scene , even during our own lifetime .
28 These statements betray either an ignorance or a distortion of both the tenor and depth of the publications that have emanated from the anti-nuclear movement in recent years .
29 The sky was bright , the distant grumble of thunder died away and the sun shone , striking light off the puddles that had gathered from the downpour .
30 For the discussion today we are using examples that have come from a test version of the Derby files .
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