Example sentences of "[noun pl] that we see [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As somebody who is still under thirty and er like my good friend Mister young enough to have a positive approach to Europe , I am pleasantly surprised that the people opposite are gon na make my job a lot easier because the narrowness and the anti-diluvian attitudes that we see on the benches opposite explain why , in the last Euro elections , the Labour Party won a resounding victory on the issue of Europe .
2 It is principally the ruins of the New Temple and Late Temple Periods that we see at Minoan sites today .
3 Many astronomers have thought that these very distant and powerful sources are simply quasars that we see at a special angle , but the new statistical analysis seems to rule this out .
4 ‘ Again , the things that we see to be hard and dense must needs consist of particles more mutually hooked and must be deeply held compact by branch-like elements .
5 Thus all the complicated structures that we see in the universe might be explained by the no boundary condition for the universe together with the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics .
6 It did not happen : and yet the demise of the book , the transformation of the traditional classroom , and indeed the end of schools and colleges as we now know them , have all been forecast with an almost hilarious regularity throughout the century , with the results that we see around us .
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