Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [vb mod] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 What kind of child would n't whine until he got a pair of $150 trainers that will let him play basketball — and look — like Michael Jordan ?
2 The clamour of her heartbeat filled the silence between them , as she struggled to find the words that would send him away forever .
3 She felt that her heart would burst with the ache of love , and searched in her mind for words that would bind him to her and bring him back .
4 As he 'd hobbled back through the sleet a tiny part of him had hoped her gratitude would include an embrace , or at least a few words that would let him know she felt something for him .
5 Sometimes , before he drank the fourth or fifth glass of Côtes-du-Rhone that would incapacitate him , he thought with guilt of the Flanders fields , with impotence of the forests where wolves ranged , — with the sense of temptation , secret delight , and energy welling up from unknown sources of Gauguin 's cold bluster , of Vincent 's two voices .
6 For his own good she frequently reminded him of the horrors and deprivations that would befall him there .
7 Prom there he was to work up his cover as a rubber man and make the contacts that would get him into Germany .
8 Masklin was a blur , dodging and weaving between feet that could flatten him .
9 He was wearing the unobtrusive shabby clothes with soft shoes that would allow him to plod round the streets without being noticed .
10 ‘ If only they had n't scrapped the old grammar school , ’ muttered Dr Frome , and Pumfrey saw that he was beginning to erect in his mind a structure of excuses and evasions that would justify him to himself .
11 Crawford , at 24 , displays a plastic face and an elastic grace — comic credentials that should allow him to travel in faster and funnier company . ’
12 Yet somehow Edward must be appeased , so I sought to make a virtue of my ignorance , asking questions that would allow him to air his greater experience .
13 And so , resentfully , he learned concepts that could stand him in good stead .
14 ‘ He 's a good wrestler , a flier , a skier — all the things that might make him an attraction to the Duchess of York .
15 Clearly the President 's enemies are itching to believe unsubstantiated stories that could hurt him .
16 It alleged that Dr Mumby had injected Royan with substances that might harm him and failed to given adequate medical attention .
17 He kept listening for sounds that would tell him Blackbeard and his henchman were in the vicinity .
18 Samy slaps her across the face and storms out , criticizing her for suggesting actions that could cost him his job .
19 She moved away when he sat near her , went into town to change her library books instead of going home when he invented a string of excuses that would enable him to walk in her direction .
20 The children 's objective is to make sure that Samson survives , builds up experience and gathers items that will help him in his quest , and eventually enable him to complete his mission .
21 But he 's even becoming a complete , in the holidays when I 've got the housework to do and meals to cook , and him to look after if there 's another pair of hands that can take him out for an hour
22 The Anglo-American conglomerate that went public in 1964 romped in with results that should guarantee him another bumper pay packet .
23 His apprehensions are fuelled by a crop of injuries that may deprive him of Paul McGrath ( hamstring ) , Kevin Moran ( bruised back ) and Steve Staunton ( ankle ) .
24 He dared not move , for fear of starting a slide of loose stones that would carry him down and irresistibly over the edge of the quarry .
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