Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [pers pn] do n't " in BNC.

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1 So , you can set up a CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT that not only starts Windows but also gets rid of any drivers that you do n't need to have loaded .
2 Or the nineteen thirties book is like one of the things that really inspired me because it showed me that you can do type that looks as though , I mean it can be composed as though in metal and not be boring — can not be , manufactured , you know hum drum , by varying the weights and by massing it , and also one of the things they do , that you see in those books that you did n't see in printing , was this size of type .
3 There 's a few things we need from the shops that I did n't get yesterday .
4 She gave such an unpleasant laugh with these last words that I did n't know what to say , and as I left the house I felt even more miserable .
5 Says lots of words that I do n't use .
6 No I said erm I had a conversation with Gillian about reading , about little bits of reading and , I made the point that we 'd said last night about him barking at print , reading through words that he did n't know and not asking what they were and she said she 'd noticed that .
7 But the problem is that they may not be able to deal adequately with operating systems and computer environments that they do n't know and are not allowed to market ; especially given the financial position many of them are in .
8 But the problem is that they may not be able to deal adequately with operating systems and computer environments that they do n't know and are not allowed to market ; especially given the financial position many of them are in .
9 Willie was so exhausted from the day 's labours that he did n't know whether he had dreamt the last remark or not .
10 Back to the bad old days when employers were so busy employing people to push bits of people round and see to inspectors that they did n't have anything to do with training an produced not one single job .
11 The reason why a lot of Vox amplifiers blow up is because , when you turn the amplifier on , all the preamp tubes and power tubes are powered up , but if you 're only going to use one channel , plug the guitar in that one and take out the valves that you do n't use from the other channels , so the amp is n't quite as hot .
12 She could tell by the tightening of his lips that he did n't take kindly to being given orders , but he could hardly back down now since he 'd been the one to insist they go to the office .
13 For transgressions that I did n't know I 'd made ?
14 ‘ But I was glad for a lot of reasons that you did n't aim true in the dyeyard . ’
15 And that 's one of the reasons that I do n't like it !
16 We can all still bring leather in from our friends in Australia but for reasons that I do n't wholly understand , this is very much dearer than the local er supplies available and for the time being it 's not of interest to the saddlery-makers in Walsall .
17 They 're all in the mind ; experiences like abductions are psychological states that we do n't understand .
18 I have also seen written applications for the CID ridiculed by those inside , and listened to the expressions of disbelief that these naïve applicants were ‘ so short of shillings that they did n't realise that admission was by invitation only ’ .
19 ‘ It 's only because it might hamper my investigations that I do n't invite you to tell Dysart about his wife 's in fidelity tomorrow .
20 We are now buying ourselves white sticks that we do n't really need to help us cross the road .
21 Joan picked up a lot of little incidentals that we did n't pick up .
22 He has said many times that he does n't believe American public opinion will withstand the return of a lot of body bags .
23 All the time , I was shouting at him saying he was telling lies , I was trying to give him signs that I did n't mean it , and he told me he saw that . ’
24 Never seen any signs that she does n't , anyway . ’
25 Er and we shared the common objective that these minutes would have to be scrutinized purposefully because if there was any element er in any of the minutes that we did n't disagree with , then we would point it out to the management and had a redraft and have a signed redraft er by the secretary and the convenor , which meant that er at least we were all talking with a common voice .
26 Her personal milliner John Boyd , who has been making hats for the princess since she was 16 , said : ‘ She already has such a collection of hats that she does n't need anything new for this occasion . ’
27 ’ She already has such a collection of hats that she does n't need any other for this occasion , ’ Mr Boyd said .
28 In fact , the chemistry on the earth is rather special — it 's the sort of chemistry we 're used to doing at the temperature on the earth in the conditions that occur on the earth , but interspatial space the conditions are quite different and so , in fact , it turns out the chemistry is different , and so also we find that there are molecules that we do n't expect .
29 This showed that the conditions in space were unusual and that unusual chemical processes were taking place , and they were then producing molecules that we did n't expect .
30 It is only because of our fears and hidden agendas that we do n't always get what we think we want .
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