Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [be] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Until 1892 Townsend 's practice was made up of minor domestic and ecclesiastical work , but in that year he won the competition for the design of the Bishopsgate Institute , the first of the three outstanding public buildings that were to make his reputation .
2 Before he succeeded Balfour then , Law was not associated with any of the features that were to characterize his party leadership ; his contribution was to use the leadership in the service of all of these causes , to make himself the spokesman for the most spirited sections of the party .
3 His research work at the university 's petroleum warfare department led indirectly to him joining Esso , and within weeks he was faced with one of the many challenges that were to punctuate his rise to the top of the industry .
4 Bucephalus became Alexander 's constant companion for the next eighteen years , and Alexander rode Bucephalus in all the wars and campaigns that were to make his empire larger than any other that had ever preceded it .
5 He tore at the roots that were pinioning his ankles , breaking his thick horn nails in the process , but the roots held and it seemed to the two watching Renascians , that the Tree Spirits swayed and murmured with amusement .
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