Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [verb] his [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The agent stopped struggling and hung there , aware of the pain in his wrists and the rasping against his skin , but even more conscious of the massive welts and blisters that covered his throbbing hand .
2 The General wore white tie and tails that accentuated his normal elegance .
3 In fact , Broderick seems to have shown a nicely calculated amount of daring in trying to pick roles that give his bland fresh-faced prettiness a spin .
4 Both use metaphors that confirm his central role in the proceedings .
5 For years before his death rumours had spread all over the Dales that put his rude good health and longevity to dealings with the Devil and pointed to his long canine teeth as evidence of vampirism .
6 John Crix of Sale has been more aggressive with the dogs that frequent his local canal towpath .
7 She surveyed his long-limbed body with an attempt at cool detachment , her gaze flickering over the dark denims that moulded his strong thighs , and the jade sweater that clung to his hard male chest .
8 He questioned her in more detail for several more minutes , asking about sleep , moods , energy levels and half a dozen other tiny things that revealed his deep concern for his sister .
9 In this case , however , the term " deconstruction " points to de Man 's unfaithful translation of Nietzsche 's argument into terms that serve his own argument : it therefore operates the same ambiguous structure of voices that we have observed in the discussions of Rousseau and Proust .
10 Of the luxury items that pargeted his slender form , none was as breathtaking as his hair , with its layers of pampered light .
11 Two of the most successful television hosts are a man who used to call himself Joan Collins Fan Club and wears skirts that show his bare buttocks ( Julian Clary ) , and the other is a post-panto Dame ( Edna ) in diamante spectacles and aurora frocks .
12 A huge part of the real Mr Kinnock remains hidden behind the curtains that segregate his private jet .
13 Edward 's interference in fact made adjustments that favoured his own view of the direction nature ought to take ; nature itself generated a free for all .
14 This dilemma may well have been one of the factors that precipitated his eventual madness , which began in 1802 : that possibility adequately suggests the existential seriousness of the Greek ideal for the German writers under its spell .
15 It has seemed this month as if Ronald Reagan never left town , as President Bush decisively buried his lingering image as a White House wimp with a series of interventions that stamped his own authority on US foreign policy , and America 's will upon the world .
16 Wearing — always — dead simple casual clothes that flatter his lightly-tanned complexion , pale silver hair and famous aquamarine eyes , he dines on spartan , spiceless fare in his minimalist palazzo on Via Borgonuovo , where blank corridors link white-walled offices with the plain , pictureless apartment where he lives alone while a bodyguard sleeps below .
17 Fortified by assurances that confirmed his own views , Law pressed ahead , and the Tariff Reform League was mobilized for another great campaign .
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