Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [verb] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He despises the human race and the combinations that make it tick ; the human race in its present state , he 'd qualify — he 'd like to send us all back to nursery school — so he has to behave as unlike his fellow beings as he can . ’
2 Great houses did not of course cease to be built ; on the contrary , almost as many were erected in the nineteenth century as a whole as in the three centuries that preceded it put together .
3 Knowledge memorized as a list of facts is of little practical use unless backed up by activities that put it to work .
4 Knowledge memorized as a list of facts is of little practical use unless backed up by activities that put it to work .
5 And all the birds that saw it stopped singing upon the instant .
6 Jezrael could hear the wires that crowned it humming with power .
7 Procoagulant factors include lipoprotein ( a ) that contains plasminogen-like domains that allow it to compete with plasminogen for binding sites on endothelial cells , thus impairing fibrinolysis .
8 well in the end I expect there 'll be a lot of places that do it do n't you ?
9 While new organizations may possess a strong commitment to a new policy , and may have powers that enable it to bring together the resources for its implementation that were not possessed by any single previous organization , it still has to relate to a world in which other agencies have a great deal of power to influence its success .
10 I do n't see the point of doing things that make it sound completely unlike a guitar .
11 Any other things that made it made it difficult for you to read ?
12 This is what one would expect in a process that feeds back positively on itself , further promoting the conditions that got it going in the first place .
13 ‘ The problem with the Touche Ross report is that it makes assumptions that lead it to overestimate the savings associated with smaller , more numerous councils .
14 The method is designed to accentuate ways that advance your body clock and play down ways that cause it to delay .
15 In practice , it will probably try to get away with transfer prices that let it shift profits into low-tax countries .
16 The upper pole of the sphere is the centre of the inversion and the increasingly small stars that approach it correspond to the increasingly large stars lying at greater and greater distances on the plane .
17 Loch Morlich must have been stunningly beautiful once , before the picnic tables and dinghies arrived , and at least the wonderful Scots pines that surround it have survived and are now protected .
18 Shaking the spinnaker out of its bag , he curled it on to the trampoline while checking the cotton lashings that held it rolled .
19 No I meant one of the film actresses that has it done that way or something ,
20 and there were two women that had it done , that big one had , had it done four times
21 Secondly , the white paper and the working documents that supplemented it give only the barest outline of the market framework and leave several key issues unresolved .
22 The debate and the votes that followed it solve no problems .
23 This picture frame moulding came complete with all the scratches , dents and marks that make it look old , although it was in fact new .
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