Example sentences of "[noun pl] for [adj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He spoke brilliantly without notes for half an hour .
2 The enabling technologies for such an information and communications centre are already more or less in place .
3 These include requiring a Court before giving a custodial sentence to consider a report by the probation service and to give reasons for such a sentence , except for the most serious offences ; also to satisfy itself that the offence was serious enough to justify the use of custody .
4 Speculations on the reasons for such a correlation include the following possibilities :
5 Speculations on the reasons for such a correlation include the following possibilities :
6 The reasons for such a development are much the same .
7 The parallel with the anorexic process is clear , and the reasons for such a substitution in both cases are probably similar .
8 If serious disturbance is suspected , outside clinical consultation may be required , and the client is informed of the reasons for such a referral .
9 The interruption is so violent that we are led to infer other reasons for such a display besides his annoyance with McKendrick himself and , significantly , Stoppard 's comments hint at this in the words " uncharacteristic " and surprising " .
10 They had discussed the possible reasons for such a meeting as they made their way to the farm , and all feared the worst .
11 It may be that we are becoming a more ‘ criminal ’ nation as the increase in crime rates would suggest , but this can not just be assumed and it is important to be aware of other possible reasons for such an increase .
12 The reasons for such an assumption were made quite clear during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
13 Giving her reasons for that the mother said that she wished access to be resumed at some point in the future , that D remembered her as the natural mother , and there was a bond between them which would be cut off or damaged by adoption .
14 The £5m bid is twice as much as the offer from Argyll which owns the Presto and Safeway chains for half the ground in 1987 .
15 He was soon running errands for half a crown a day , sleeping on a board over the bath and doing Musgrave a favour by playing the toyboy to his wife .
16 They said AST has no current plans for such a development .
17 i 'll bring my mate with me so then we just miss three ? are plans for such a game real ? ( joke i guess ? ) if so what kind of footwear should i bring over ?
18 However , the Northern Regional Health Authority denied there were any plans for such a link-up .
19 But the Northern Regional Health Authority has already denied there are any plans for such a link-up .
20 It will be the first time that the Unita leader has met a British minister , and only a few days ago the Angolan ambassador in London was assured by a Foreign Office official that there were no plans for such a meeting .
21 In July the prime minister of Belgium and a committed Europeanist , Paul-Henri Spaak , stated that he supported a European Assembly and announced that he had asked the European Movement to consider plans for such a body .
22 Being adequately prepared with contingency plans for such an eventuality is about the most you can do .
23 The first thing you must do is to assign any system-wide logical names required by the process , eg. pseudo-devices used for the process or storage directories , and all the logicals for all the storage directories known to the process .
24 The Bilingual Skills Certificate originated in this project and is designed to lay the foundations for such a development .
25 The Remuneration Committee comprising all the Non-Executive Directors ( ‘ the Committee ’ ) has considered the question and concluded that it would now be in the best interests of the Company and its employees to bring forward proposals for such a scheme and an appropriate resolution is set out as Resolution 11 .
26 Surely the Conservative Government have already set out proposals for such a programme : they should be telling him where the money would come from .
27 We therefore observe that , with a real wage rate w 1 , the tangency solution of conventional price theory yields values for both the profit maximizing level of output , , and the demand for labour , , for the representative firm .
28 A range of Specimen Answer Packs is planned to meet the continual requests for such a service .
29 Each collection features ten patterns for all the family in a clear lay-flat format with transparent plastic covers to protect them from machine oil and coffee stains .
30 The ANC had previously resisted calls for such a meeting .
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