Example sentences of "[noun pl] was go to be " in BNC.

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1 The battles in Russia , Africa and Normandy became mere words , to be heard punctually from the loudspeaker at three or four o'clock , from the English news-reader if German security was sufficiently relaxed , or from anybody who thought he knew what the next allotment of words was going to be about .
2 He bewildered his audience for a moment , and then moved them , when he suddenly turned a political invective about government 's neglect of the environment into a lament that one of the sad losses was going to be the poetry of the countryside , the pastorals of a Vergil or a Theocritus .
3 At one time it looked like everything we 'd done in twenty years was going to be spread out on the table — and that included sating up a group to destabilise our closest ally if it got needed .
4 ‘ If we knew where one of these things was going to be flown into space , ’ he said , speaking quickly before the words had time to escape , ‘ and we could sort of hang on to the sides or whatever , or maybe drive it like the Truck , and we took you with us , then we could jump off when we got up there and go and find this ship of ours , could n't we ? ’
5 As the constitutional reforms were to a very great degree imposed on the Japanese , the lead given by US authorities on interpreting the reforms was going to be crucial to post-Occupation Japan .
6 The principal question , whether the serfs were to be emancipated at all , had been answered , for after the circulation of the Nazimov Rescript to provincial governors and its publication in the journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there was no doubt that the relationship between landowners and privately owned peasants was going to be put on a new footing .
7 That farewell to the coaches was going to be ‘ Hello ’ until a few minutes ago when the British Olympic Association suddenly cancelled a meet-the-press day .
8 To find the precious stones was going to be almost impossible .
9 So long as people continued to live in their old houses , surrounded by their old friends and neighbours , and had not broken with a routine of life which perhaps dated back generations , then the re-moulding of mentalities was going to be a frustratingly slow process , particularly for an engineer of human souls who was no longer young .
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