Example sentences of "[noun pl] is [vb pp] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The density of the intrusions is assumed to be 2,800kgm -3 , the same as the surrounding material .
2 MADONNA 's new contract with Warner Brothers is said to be worth a cool $60 million .
3 Before we plunge into that debate we ought to recognize that recruitment to elite positions in the public and private sectors is said to be highly meritocratic .
4 A word on these computers is defined to be a set of four consecutive bytes ( 32 bits ) , and is specified by the store address of its left-hand byte .
5 The management of these relationships is expected to be an important determinant of success in the use of new technology by customer firms and should provide a route for product innovations by suppliers .
6 But , ethical issues aside , simply parading specialisms before existing , if not new , clients is believed to be a non-starter .
7 Yet another complicating factor is that the account given of the generic team 's work with elderly clients is bound to be only a partial exemplification of whatever advantages may be claimed for the generic model , whether of professional practice or of staff development .
8 The deal with Malaysia 's Proton Cars is thought to be worth £50,000 .
9 The full amount of your initial investment plus bonuses is guaranteed to be returned to you on completion of the five year term — and of course you could see a healthy return on your investment due to stock market growth during this time .
10 The self pride he showed in the first two books is shown to be the very cause of his gradual destruction and inner hell .
11 The largest sustained activity by heads in primary schools is said to be teaching .
12 This set of keys is intended to be random and so has no order to preserve .
13 Until we can organise our economy properly and bring the general level of unemployment down , progress in those directions is bound to be slow .
14 The variation is constrained in much the same way as present-day phonological variation in speech communities is observed to be constrained .
15 We have noted that a male community defends a group territory and the outcome of aggressive interactions between different communities is known to be in part dependent upon party size .
16 In Galloway , for example , the reduced breeding performance of golden eagles is considered to be directly related to afforestation due to loss of open moorland which is their main feeding area .
17 Furthermore , the region between the inner and outer Lindblad resonances is observed to be fairly clear of gas , and the accumulation of shocked gas outside the OLR can be identified with the well known ‘ molecular-ring ’ in the galactic disk .
18 We followed standard protocols for the preparation of bacterial suspensions for adhesion and hydrophobicity assays because the expression of adhesins is known to be affected by nutrient and growth conditions ; however , as repeat assays with both control strains and patient isolates confirmed , such properties are otherwise quite stable phenotypic markers .
19 Having found water , which in these circumstances is bound to be tainted with sand , the elephant uses its trunk as a filtering device , swinging the tip until all the sand is thrown out and only the water is left .
20 Since a process of individual wage reductions in such circumstances is bound to be ragged and discontinuous , it will be hedged about with uncertainty and apprehension .
21 In the Soviet Union , central state control of the curriculum and syllabuses is said to be ‘ virtually total ’ .
22 It aims to help inform the current public debate and a series of statements is expected to be produced in an attempt to take matters forward when the conference ends today .
23 The examples listed earlier suggest that it covers a vast variety of relations ; for example the relation between capitalists and workers is said to be one of oppression , while that between factions of the ruling class might be competition .
24 Housing for oil-related workers is considered to be a critical problem for the local administration : the suddenness of demand for housing has necessitated various policies constraining its dispersal , concentration and , most recently , its direction northwards away from the immediate vicinity of the airport .
25 Currently , all spent fuel from British nuclear power stations is sent to be reprocessed at Sellafield in Cumbria .
26 Next year 's outlook for the banks is expected to be less cloudy .
27 The earliest in the series of brooches is thought to be that from the cemetery at Chessell Down ; the various combinations of the design elements on the other examples in the series make it possible to suggest the sequence in which they were manufactured .
28 Sometimes the original number of volumes is found to be inconvenient and a work is compressed , and so that we can get ‘ four volumes in two ’ , ‘ eight volumes in four ’ , etc .
29 Pollution in such places is claimed to be ten times worse than in the West and the tonnage of sulphur dioxide said to fall every year on the average square kilometre sounds like the equivalent of a heavy snowfall .
30 ‘ To put this in context , it would mean a further 30 per cent reduction in costs is required to be best in class .
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