Example sentences of "[noun pl] is that it [is] " in BNC.

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1 I think the most important thing about community arts is that it 's arts for the community , and invariably one is not approaching it in the same way as one would market , say , a show at the Theatre Royal for instance .
2 What comes to the fore through Gandhi 's strictures on the attitudes and methods of certain Christian missionaries is that it is possible for religious zeal and enthusiasm to lead to activities inconsistent with the religious and ethical ideals or values one might be seeking to promote .
3 The major problem with legislation concerning animals is that it is from a human perspective .
4 So the id is a jumble of contradictions and the reason it 's a jumble of contradictions is that it 's not in contact with reality .
5 One explanation for this unbridled production of HBV proteins is that it is fostered by concurrent mediations , including glucocorticoids and cyclosporin .
6 The advantage of fondant over royal icing for covering cakes is that it is much easier and quicker to make , is more pliable and has a softer texture that many people prefer .
7 The most remarkable fact about the appointment of judges is that it is wholly in the hands of politicians .
8 A misconception that exists about video recording of classes is that it is necessary to have a two-camera studio to do it .
9 ‘ What makes chenille different from other carpets is that it 's the product of two distinct processes , the formation of the chenille fur , and the weaving of that fur , which is the weft , into a carpet . ’
10 One of the problems is that it is much more likely to become hostile and therefore difficult to handle .
11 The obvious problem with the designs of these experiments is that it is impossible to know whether the difference observed in the test depends on positive transfer in the distinctiveness group , negative transfer in the equivalence group , or both of these .
12 My own experience of trying to teach and train managers is that it is extremely difficult to teach grownup people anything .
13 One of the nicest things about walking around coastline peninsulas is that it is often easy to stick to the coastline without doubling back on yourself at the end .
14 In fact , one of the perennial irritations of those involved in the sciences is that it is somehow chic to be innumerate and totally ignorant of physics , mathematics and the rest , but at the same time taboo to be ignorant of the basics of , say , literature .
15 One implication of these comments is that it is perhaps more reasonable to explain class differences in terms of sex , than sex differences in terms of class .
16 In fact , the dilemma of any national state in cultural terms is that it is charged with defending cultural patrimony within a world market over which it exercises little control .
17 Some of the criticisms which are voiced by service planners and professionals when thinking about ordinary housing for long-term patients is that it is ‘ too expensive ’ , or that ‘ They ca n't cope on their own , ’ or that ‘ They 'll be affected by the same stresses and strains that put them in hospital in the first place . ’
18 The most commonly used argument for standardising delivery of meals is that it is a more economic use of resources .
19 The good news I hear from feminist friends is that it 's becoming old hat these days to involve the father in childbirth .
20 I think the great sadness of the report coming forward on County Farms is that it 's no doubt going to be produced by Mr , a further report , and erm , what , what can we say if he comes forward saying it 's a wonderful institution and he wants to keep his job running it .
21 The essential difference , therefore , between this course and more conventional university courses is that it is very explicitly geared to the needs of industry , and students spend one year on industrial placement .
22 Another of the Beach Club 's plus points is that it is very central , right in the middle of Kavos .
23 One of the Chevron 's strong points is that it is a good-looker , with a handsome profile and modern-looking cockpit. the futuristic wing doors make for easy access and lend to the aircraft 's attractive appearance .
24 One of his central points is that it is the already employed and relatively well-off households who are in fact engaging in such self-servicing .
25 The main thing to bear in mind about information distributed by publishers is that it is a form of advertising .
26 A few are ‘ trying out ’ policing by joining the reserves first , although the common view amongst the reserve police is that it is harder for them to transfer to the regulars than it is for someone without experience to sign up straight away because of the greater number of reasons the police authorities are thereby given for turning them down .
27 The problem with using small group work with young children is that it 's inevitably rather disparate : they will happily play for long periods , but find it difficult to share each other 's work unless there is a powerful dramatic context , as is provided by whole group work , which gives us the chance to really focus the drama .
28 When you know what we should be saying to John Major and employers is that it is n't any surprise that er disablement er has increased over the last thirteen , fourteen years .
29 One element he stresses in both cases is that it is a lot easier to understand language demands than the theory and institutions of democracy and constitutional society , especially for people who lack both political education and political experience .
30 The advantage of information from satellites is that it is much more comprehensive than data that aircraft , research vessels or fishing boats supply .
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