Example sentences of "[noun pl] it [verb] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Completely unperturbed , he explained what marvellous things it did for his skin texture .
2 Most of her free time was spent in Water Gypsy 's main cabin , reliving the memories it held for her .
3 The rates it charges for its services are , however , set by the ministry of finance .
4 On the one hand , Germany was provided with vital supplies of minerals it needed for its war industries , such as wolfram and lead , and with facilities for repairing and refuelling its submarines .
5 She 'd waited the few moments it took for his lean , athletic figure to be swallowed up in the crowd , feasting her eyes on his receding back , fighting back the threatening tears .
6 This was to see if there were any experiences that could be of use to the LEA as it looked at its own internal processes , particularly the support services it provides for its schools .
7 The Italians have mae it work for them because they have been able to inject a comfortable , relaxed mood .
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