Example sentences of "[noun pl] to be [vb pp] into " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , the Act allows pupils ' family backgrounds , ages and aptitudes to be taken into account by the school in determining whether an act of collective worship which is not of a broadly Christian character takes place in the school .
2 Even if high prices are not charged , an innovation may give an investment bank an advantage in gaining mandates , which may enable losses to be converted into " normal " profits .
3 This was a position which also continued to express the preference of most abolitionists that government intervention be limited to policy guidelines to be rendered into detailed legislation and implemented by local assemblies and officials except in the Crown Colonies .
4 There were some practical considerations to be taken into account before the work could actually commence however .
5 There are other considerations to be taken into account when the ballet has a story .
6 One of the most important considerations to be taken into account when creating a lexicon is how full a coverage of the language it is able to provide .
7 Now the planning system in this country , rightly gives the decision maker considerable discretion in exercising judgement regarding planning application , allowing all material considerations to be taken into account , and appropriate weighting given .
8 However , policies that use unqualified phrases such as , will be or should only be , do not allow scope for all ma material considerations to be taken into account .
9 As a result , ministers are subject to a range of ad hoc and constantly changing pressures from parliamentary representatives and interest groups that create a substratum of secondary political considerations to be taken into account .
10 Now that the Island is well into the fiftieth anniversary of its defence from the Axis powers , surely this is a fitting moment for further funds to be channelled into this splendid method of showing Maltese too young to have experienced the era , and the world at large , of the time when Malta stood alone .
11 The first two ex-Corporation cars to be put into service were numbered 52 and 53 at first , but with the withdrawal of the three cars mentioned above , three ex-Corporation cars appeared numbered 17 , 21 and 47 .
12 After it had trapped him for the third time , he ordered all the cages to be thrown into the sea .
13 Labour councillors have secured a deal with the Society of Friends and the Two Castles Housing Association for the Court Arcade shops to be turned into sheltered accommodation .
14 The modules included in the pack are as follows : Hasler AG 's automated facsimile hardware and software that enables end users to send and receive messages directly from their workstations ; Advanced Graphical Environments Inc 's X Server software that integrates Windows , MS-DOS and X Window applications on 80386 and 80486 personal computers ; Planar Systems Inc 's and Unicord Inc 's Unix terminal integration software that enables MS-DOS and Windows 3-based personal computers to be integrated into Unix environments ; Novell 's LAN Workplace for MS-DOS that enables personal computer users to link to other local area network users or remote hosts ; Locus Computing Corp 's personal computer interface for resource sharing between MS-DOS , Windows , Mac and Unix users ; Schasiepen GmbH 's Netprint for shared access to a central printer on a network ; a TCP/IP boot prom — enabling MS-DOS and standard TCP/IP network software to be booted from a network server — and Ethernet board for diskless , networked workstations ; and Unicorn security software for controlling access , activity logging and reporting .
15 By entering reaction time data in an analysis of covariance , a statistical technique which enables the influence of one or more extraneous variables to be taken into account when assessing the effect of the principle variable of interest , De Renzi and his colleagues ( Arrigoni and De Renzi , 1964 ; De Renzi and Faglioni , 1965 ) hoped to control for possible differences in extent of damage between left and right hemisphere groups .
16 Lord , such a sight : the casket which held Becket 's body was encased in sheets of solid gold and , over the years , devout pilgrims had brought sapphires , diamonds , pearls and small rubies to be fastened into the goldwork as homage to the saint .
17 During the prepass phase , LIFESPAN ABLE will scan each file in the primary directory and establish the hierarchies to be entered into LIFESPAN from the user-supplied packages .
18 A marvellous stylistic contrast to the intricacy and sophistication of these magnificent Court carpets can be seen in the delightful Marby rug — named after the Swedish village in whose church it was found — which is one of the few remaining examples of the first Anatolian or Caucasian rugs to be brought into the West .
19 Their pleas for pilot projects in the key areas of self-governing hospitals and GPs ' budgets are likely to be replaced by demands at committee stage for safeguards to be written into the legislation .
20 Landowners invested in mining and railways , while industrialists bought land , secured lordly titles and sent their sons to the expanded public schools to be turned into gentlemen .
21 The government first designated six areas to be turned into HATs , without the tenants being given a say .
22 A sticking-point seemed to be the Burmese demand for the Frontier areas to be brought into the constitutional process .
23 It can be argued , to the contrary , that the more the courts are opened up to arguments based about the interests of the public or of significant sections of it rather than of particular individuals , the more likely are the judges to be drawn into political battles which ought to be resolved in the political arena and not in courts .
24 When drawing up the job timetable , forward planning should allow for all known eventualities to be taken into account e.g. other work and holidays .
25 Accordingly , if the applicant is to succeed he must show that the context requires a qualification on the following lines to be implied into section 2(2) : ‘ Provided that nothing in this Act shall require the person under investigation to furnish any information with respect to any suspected offence in relation to which he has been charged , except to the extent permitted by paragraph 16.5 of Code of Practice C issued under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 , or any modification or re-enactment thereof . ’
26 changes in terminology , to allow for new subject descriptions to be incorporated into the scheme as subjects change their names .
27 He admitted eight robberies between May and July and asked for two others and six attempted robberies to be taken into consideration .
28 Section 1 gives guidance on the form and content of auditors ' annual reports and comments on the principal matters to be taken into account in framing those reports .
29 The matters to be taken into account by an appeal committee in considering an appeal shall include — ( a ) any preference expressed by the appellant in respect of the child as mentioned in section 6 of this Act ; and ( b ) the arrangements for the admission of pupils published by the local education authority or the governors under section 8 of this Act . ’
30 Any payment you have made is non-returnable unless 14 days ' notice is given or there are exceptional circumstances to be taken into account .
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