Example sentences of "[noun pl] in most of the " in BNC.

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1 There are Cedok offices in most of the large towns in Czechoslovakia .
2 And remember that most of the candidates in most of the constituencies believe throughout , in their secret hearts , that they can not win — while most of the remainder are looking only to resume the dismal MP 's job they had before , once this is over and out of the way .
3 At the time of Pentecost they appear to have numbered around four thousand ( dependent on Josephus , Philo and Pliny ) and to have established communities in most of the villages of Palestine .
4 In , the numbers of postcrania approximate to the numbers of cranial elements in most of the predator bone assemblages .
5 Although there have been periods of economic stagnation or crisis , including the exceptionally severe crisis of the 1930s ( which itself failed to engender large-scale revolutionary movements in most of the capitalist countries ) , and a renewed depression in the 1980s , the general tendency of capitalism has been to promote a continuous , and sometimes rapid , improvement in material standards of living , in which a large part of the working class , if not the whole class , has shared .
6 There were thriving professional leagues in most of the countries taking part , continental cup competitions were being born in both Europe and South America and the improvements in travel were creating opportunities for professional players to move beyond their national boundaries .
7 With unification , history overtook the ultra-right parties for a while , delivering them pounding defeats in most of the 1990 and 1991 elections .
8 These buildings became a common feature of the market towns as the numbers of soldiers increased ; at one stage there were 15,000 troops in Brighton alone and large contingents in most of the other towns .
9 It is expected that all senior managers in most of the organisations competing in an industry will be interviewed .
10 There were electric rings in most of the studies , and the official meals were somewhat Spartan and not to every boy 's taste .
11 Apart from random fluctuations , due mostly to sampling and response errors ( the latter are very common in retrospective surveys ) , the relationship between infant mortality and birth order took reversed " J " , " U " or " J " shaped forms in most of the sampled communities .
12 You can now buy matching coordinates in most of the ranges that can give the room a total individual look .
13 The company notes that in the past six months , Pick Systems has also provided municipal services software for the city of St. Petersburg and has established Pick training centres in most of the major Russian scientific and technical institutes .
14 Bismuth salts and treatment by a sinble antibiotic fail to eradicate H pylori in a noteworthy proportion , but combined treatment regimens comprising bismuth salts and two antibiotics ( for example , metronidazole plus amoxicillin or tetracycline ) eradicated H pylori in most of the treated patients and is recommended as the treatment of first choice to eradicate H pylori in duodenal ulcer disease .
15 In general , volume levels in most of the upstream businesses are holding up well , although increasingly subject to shorter pipeline requirements .
16 The picture of the seminarian reminds us too of the quite amazing increase of vocations in most of the young churches .
17 Nurse practitioners in most of the participating major departments managed no more than a small fraction of the patients each day .
18 The multiplicity of levels , the over-elaboration of consultative machinery , the inability to get decision-making completed nearer the point of delivery of services and what some describe as unacceptably wasteful use of manpower resources were recurrent themes in most of the areas where we worked .
19 Apart from short-term political factors , there are deeper reasons why the quality of health care has become more salient to politicians , managers and health care professionals in most of the Western world .
20 Stihl , the West German manufacturers of chain saws for professional users , have developed an impressive international distribution network and are market leaders in most of the markets in which they operate .
21 Although they are a standard device in parliamentary elections in most of the democracies of continental Europe , they are an abomination for the evangelists of the STV and sometimes a stumbling block for less prejudiced supporters of electoral reform .
22 Also , abdominal complaints in most of the symptomatic patients not taking NSAIDs have settled once their endoscopy was reported normal : irritable bowel ( or stomach ) syndrome , or non-ulcer dyspepsia can not be excluded in these patients .
23 So the bedrooms and they 're not too bad because he has n't been able to do anything in the bedrooms the bedrooms are alright except that over the lintels in most of the bedrooms the plaster is is not right , it 's it 's flaking in great lumps and rippling and cracked something to do with the
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