Example sentences of "[noun pl] to [be] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 WHEN we cast our votes at election time , we do n't expect candidates to be paragons of virtue but we do expect honesty and integrity — traits completely lacking in this discredited Government .
2 Although the law explicitly allowed judges to be members of political parties , it was felt that suspension of involvement would be in keeping with the court 's function to provide independent rulings .
3 Some urban gardeners , as short of space inside as they are out , want their gardens to be extensions of their homes , with a great deal of hard paving , good furniture and lighting .
4 They had no aspirations to be patrons of the arts and to regale themselves like proletarian Ludwig IIs with grand opera or private performances of the classics .
5 Not that we need worms to be giants to be seduced by them .
6 We are surprised that Gransden and Eykyn consider our back of an envelope calculations to be minutiae in aminoglycoside treatment .
7 The Standards and Guidance Committee is satisfied that the professions listed below are so regulated as to make it appropriate for solicitors to enter into MNPs with members of those professions , and for members of those professions to be officers of recognised bodies , in accordance with Schedule 14 paragraph 2(2) of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 .
8 But if I claim that my religious experience is experience of God , then I am not simply talking about my own feelings but about a transcendent being that I am claiming my feelings to be feelings of .
9 Lothian Regional Council require applicants for Trainee Trading Standards Officers to be graduates with a science related degree .
10 We consider these properties to be advantages of our vaccine rather than disadvantages , as it is just these properties that distinguish the MicroGeneSys vaccine from the other candidates .
11 How will the Government respond to any request from Railtrack for an infrastructure grant to cover investment costs and enable lower rates to be charges to operators ?
12 We consider freezing , concentration , fermentation , pasteurisation , sterilisation , smoking ( without chemicals ) and traditional cooking processes to be examples of processes which would be acceptable . ’
13 I am s one that has just been recently appointed to one of these er regional ecumenical teams and at a meeting that was held for the three presbytery areas in the sort of west coast of Scotland , around the Greenoch area , erm it was , it became apparent that all these people who are being appointed er through their , their churches are in the main clergy and the convenor of the local committee himself a ruling elder of the Church of Scotland expressed concern about this , that there is no real er and I would just put it to the , to the assembly , there is there is no need for these members to be members of the clergy , in fact it would be good if presbyteries remembered when making a nomination eh that it , er it need n't be , it could be a , a an elder or indeed er a lay person holding no particular office within the church .
14 They involve separating the rule from its instances and asking what justifies us in taking the instances to be instances of that rule .
15 ( I.l ) To speak differently , causalism takes mental episodes to be occupants of causal roles , but functionalism takes them to be logical or Turing Machine states , or logical or computational processes .
16 Nobody expected the pupils to be paragons of perfection The standards the principal expected of herself were a different matter entirely .
17 Not allowing yourself or your children to be passengers in a car if the driver is the primary sufferer and he or she has been drinking .
18 An additional problem is that Soviet organisations are automatically barred from competing for infra-structural projects sponsored by the World Bank or the Inter-American Development Bank , which require bidders to be members of these institutions .
19 And because there were too many royal presentees for efficient records to be kept , it was not unknown for two royal clerks to be rivals for the same living .
20 When Alexander reached the age of sixty he was persuaded by many friends , afraid that his most valuable secrets would die with him , to set up a training school to teach others to be teachers of his technique .
21 The Triennial Act 1694 required a new Parliament to be summoned every three years , and in 1701 , the Act of Settlement required all future monarchs to be members of the Church of England .
22 Her pleasure was divided with an odd memory , insistent behind her yielding : a little broody hen , persuading stones to be eggs under her spread feathers ; after that , a cold nest .
23 The MDP leader M. Ensayhan , however , insisted that the opposition forces must now unite and " never allow our representatives to be hostages to the old system " .
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