Example sentences of "[noun pl] and will [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Tigers are catholic in their taste ; they have been known to eat frogs and will sometimes catch fish .
2 It must be added , though , that cats are stubborn animals and will often consider such chemical warfare as a kind of challenge .
3 Roland Smith has provided us with a fascinating and interesting book that should whet the appetite of many hill walkers and will certainly provide a wealth of useful background information when planning a walk to some of the ‘ Great Viewpoints ’ of Britain .
4 It has proved convenient for Conservatives and Labour parties and will probably continue to be so as long as one of them holds office .
5 We are not short of opportunities and will ultimately reap the rewards , ’ he said .
6 The results are likely to come as a surprise presenting many untapped market opportunities and will certainly dispel complacency .
7 Older children who are beyond control and difficult or delinquent will not take easily to substitute homes and will often cause a good deal of trouble there .
8 ‘ These charges , ’ continued McClenaghan , ‘ will affect all groups of companies and will effectively increase the cost of the activities concerned by up to 17.5pc .
9 But Pakistan does not have extradition treaties with most Arab countries and will not turn over a wanted man against his will .
10 YUGOSLAVS determined to oppose CROATS and will not allow their surrender to BRIT troops .
11 Olepasto is a stiff gel , made specifically for impasto and texture work , it retains knife and brush strokes and will not level out .
12 It runs on DOS-compatible micros and will probably cost $14.95 .
13 Due to this ancient enmity Dwarfs and Goblins are implacable foes and will often fight to the death rather than give an inch of ground to their enemies .
14 He may receive quite a lot of bids and will usually accept the highest .
15 A specialist addiction unit based upon the principles of the Anonymous Fellowships will have knowledge of the compulsive nature of eating disorders and will also have an awareness of how family members and other well-intentioned helpers may unwittingly enable the disease to continue .
16 The programme that is devised for them will usually be geared largely towards communication skills and will probably include craft , drama , and life skills which thus serve a dual function .
17 A HANDMADE Lonsdale skipping rope is standard issue for boxers and will dramatically improve fitness and stamina — skipping for ten minutes is equivalent to jogging for half an hour .
18 Once the speculator has assembled and identified the land , he is often not over-anxious to draw attention to his activities and will therefore attempt to dispose of the site direct to the builder or developer without advertising or using an estate agent .
19 Helen leaves for Chile at the end of September 1994 to help local projects in the country including an orphanage and other community projects and will not return to Britain until a few days before Christmas .
20 The meeting will discuss both researchers ' and industrialists ' views and will also consider the specific sectors of agricultural and bio-medical research .
21 The plant produces 10.4-in ( 640 x 480 pixel ) LCDs and will gradually add large size units .
22 They are fast acting and extremely effective as products and will rapidly remove grease and other organic films using spray-wipe techniques .
23 The following are the main reasons that the vendor will wish to exclude both debtors and creditors and will normally outweigh the reasons for including debtors and creditors in the sale .
24 After all , she has been asked the question several times over the past few days and will not say yes or no .
25 She will remain on a ventilator for several days and will then require months of surgery and post-operative care .
26 For this reason , accurate diagnosis of underlying causes on the basis of visible symptoms plays a major part in the treatment of physical illnesses and will often enable doctors to provide accurate predictions about the future course of the illness .
27 LIFESPAN ABLE will keep the user informed of progress during both phases and will also maintain a hard copy report file , ABLE_REPORT.LOG .
28 SunSoft presumably believes it can win PowerPC customers for more standard Unix SVR4-compatible system software : Tadpole already integrates Solaris on its Sparc-based laptops and will likely do the same for a PowerPC line .
29 Prevention is better than cure and regular attention of the horse 's teeth prevents any unnecessary health problems or vices and will thus ensure a healthy and happy horse .
30 That is how he ducks out of his responsibilities and will not come clean — Now I shall sit down .
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