Example sentences of "[noun pl] and you [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I like all this and that bit but she has er , you end up to go on the dirty little foxes and you get on and there 's so , runny nosed yobbo kid about twelve , gets on
2 If I 've got twenty five kids and you 've only got one yo , I need more than you !
3 She hates parks ; it takes half an hour to get there from the flats and then the kids are put inside one lot of railings like some kind of animals and you walk up and down inside another lot and watch them .
4 Yes , it 's the , the failure to keep bovine identification breed re records by two or three far farmers and it 's one of those things where if you 've got a lot of animals and you have n't marked them , then you get a lot of incorrects , and that 's why we 've got to go through it .
5 It 's got seven different audio channels and you pick up languages on them .
6 Take it on past , the sort of club competitions to major regattas and you come up against sponsorship .
7 ‘ Whoever it is , I 've been looking in your books and you have n't got your name in your books .
8 The thing is there 's millions of books and you do n't see all that many people
9 ‘ But we were just working up to the knees and you 've still got $ 85,750 left on the meter . ’
10 Your licking your lips and you have n't got a chip have you ?
11 You 've got the first stanza which is four lines , has got five lines has four lines ca n't see straight the first stanza has one sentence and it ends at the end of the stanza but then you have one , two , three , four , five more stanzas and you do n't get a full stop until the last stanza half way through .
12 Well you just stand up in your row by your parents and you do n't go do n't come out onto the front or anything , just stand up when your name 's called , and then he addresses you and says , Do you sincerely want to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation ? and you say , I do .
13 And er I erm I organised a lot of that sort of thing erm by er it was exact measurements and spindles and you know like Erm yes , I could n't remember a lot now but er a lot of people , if I might say so , used me you know , Michael , my knowledge and skill and I allowed them to and I 'm not complaining .
14 It 's all collected into , into plastic er cans and you do n't use gallons of it , you , you used enough to clean yourself off , and that 's collected and then disposed of er under advice and help from the disposal , waste disposal people .
15 I mean I know it 's obviously , it , it 's got to be summed up and if you 've got five inputs and you come out with one answer , you are not going to get the inverse of this one out .
16 ‘ Child , I tell you a hundred times and you do n't hear me yet .
17 We 've gone five hours and you have n't mentioned JFK or Lee Harvey Oswald once ! ’
18 Cos you can you could do yeah you know you could you could this question on graphs and you come out the exam thinking , Wow great full marks on that .
19 ‘ He was gone two days and you finish up — ’ He smiled without humour .
20 Yeah , they know the big places and you know like Halifax and
21 Depends on how long you 've known each other I mean fifteen years and you 've only just !
22 and therefore you can have a situation where , I mean if the Queen is there for another twenty years say , say the situation in twenty years time where you have king on throne and a queen who have not lived together for thirty years or whatever years and you know still playing out this
23 an used to be called metermarism and I say , it 's not a word it 's not a term I 've seen on for many many years and you do n't seen it many erm modern organic texts .
24 You can repay the money over five to fifteen years and you decide how long .
25 The second appointment when you 've done your , you 've gone through the presentation , you 've done your benefit statements and you say right is this the policy
26 You pack your bags , shut the door , switch off the lights and you go home and you 've got the , the r another thirty odd years perhaps to look forward to in retirement .
27 li as he said it does n't matter if you do n't remember it but if people ask you questions and you do n't know the answer , please send them down .
28 So that if you 've been really rough , and you 're ninety nine , you can look at the figures and you 've still got nearly four years left .
29 So it is I I I wo n't predict you know how it 's gon na be too much you know because obviously er it 's just the day to day living is quite difficult for most people have to work and cope with their families and you know so there 's not going to be er that the fundamentals are are not gon na be changed and obviously people are gon na be very broke for a long time because in a strike situation you probably do n't ever really quite recover .
30 and I do n't know how he managed to fit it in er but some people manage it erm it means that sometimes you , you know , you 're very time limited on , on , on writing things and you do n't put in something that you feel does justice to yourself , you know , you put in what you think of as crap and , and you know mm
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